Space Exploration

  • Sputnik Released

    The Sputnik was the first sattelite released into space. The SovietUnion released it to prove they had better technology than the USA but they were wrong.
  • Dog in space

    The Soviet Union launched a dog named Laika into space to see if a living thing could live in space.
  • NASA

    NASA (national aeronautics space administration) was created to study space, other planets and Earth.
  • First Man in Space

    Alan Shepard, the first man in space, was launched into space to prove to the USA that they were equal in ability of technology.
  • Friendship 7

    The friendship 7 was the first capsul with a man inside to orbit the Earth not just once but three times.
  • Surveyor lands on Moon

    The Surveyor was a robotic spacecraft that was made to pick up rocks from the moon.
  • Death of Edward Givens

    Edward Givens (american astronaut) died in a car crash at the age of 37.
  • Death of Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin (the first Russian man in space) died in a plane crash at the age of 34.
  • Apollo 7

    The crew of Apollo 7 began a 10 day mission to study the spacecraft and find many things to study on the spacecraft that was sent to the moon.
  • Men on the Moon

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon.