Space Exploration

By lewi36
  • Clod War between America and Soviets

    Clod War between America and Soviets
    Russian Soviets and Americans were fighting for the first space exploration.
  • Russia vs. America

    Russia vs. America
    Russia and America were soace race enemies.
  • Laika

    Russian Soveits launched a dog named Laika into space on Novemer 3, 1957.
  • Trios 1

    Trios 1
    The first successful weather satilite, Trios 1, was launched by Amaricans in1960. This is important for the future so we could find out the weather.
  • Yuri Gargarin

    The Soveit Union launched Yuri Gargarian into space in 1961. He was the first human to be launched into space. He orbitted the Eartth once.
  • President John F. Kennedy

    President John F. Kennedy
    President John F. Kennedy suggested that an american man should land on the moon.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    John Glenn was th efirst American to orbit Earth. He orbitted Earth 3 times.
  • First Kunar Satilite

    First Kunar Satilite
    Luna 10; first satilite to orbit the moon. This satilite was created y Russia.
  • Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
    Appollo landed on the moon with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on July 20th, 1969.
  • Buzz and Neil

    Buzz and Neil
    Armstrong and Aldrin stayed on the moon for two hours and collected 400kg of lunar rocks.
  • The Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union created a space station called Mir that stayed in orbit for 15 years befor crashing to Earth.