The Space Race
In the 1950's the Soviet Union was the greatest opponent to our United States in government and army power. The feued between the two countries was really big that people called it a" cold war". This is important because our country is trying to top our greatist rival -
The First Artificial Satellite
Technicalley this wasn't our satellite. This satellite was made by the Soviets. They called their satellite the Sputnick. It was launched October 4, 1957. Then on January 31, 1958 the United States launched their satellite and called it the Explorer. After years our United States and the Soviets kept on sending many satellites in space. Then on 1958 our government made N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). This is important because N.A.S.A. helps with problems in space. -
How are Space Probes used
A space probe is a piece of machine that does what humans can't do in space. Think of it like a robot astronaut. Each space probe has a specific job in space. Some go to a planet. Others probes go to more planets. Each probe has a source of electricity to make power. Also probes have tools to find results and do experiments. Probes are important because they can help us if we have problems in space that humans can't do. -
Humans in Space
It wasn't us that launched the first human in space. Again it was the Soviets that sent one of their men to go into space. Soviets man was named Yuri Gagrin who flew around the earth in a spaceship called the Vostok. Less than a month, we sent a man named Alan Sheperd, he was the first american to go into space but didn't go around the earth. He was aboard the freedom space craft which was part of the space program. This is important because that action made history. -
The Apollo Program
Ever heard of President John F. Kennedy well on may 25, 1967 he gave a speech. A speech that said any man or woman that has been to space we promise to bring him or her back home safely. This speech launched the Apollo program it lasted 1961 to 1975. This is important because this is a promise to bringback and loved ones who have gone into space and will be at earth safely. -
New Missions to the Moon
The Apollo Program was a great success. They provided with amazing and beautiful images. But, the chances of the missions were tempting. There were acouple benifets higher than their information. For years people thought there was no such thing of a "moon". So in 2003 the European Space school sent a space shuttle in space to find evidence of a detailed lunar map. Missions to the moon are important because trips to a different planet is making history or warn us about something. -
What is Apollo 11?
Does anyone know what Apollo 11 is? It's The Apollo Programs 11th mission. This started with Cape Kennedy, Florida Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. This are three great people that did what no one could do go to the moon. This wasn't just get into space and get out mission this was making history. This mission lasted 8 days 1 day launch, 6 days space, and 1 day land. This event is important because it made history, it found the moon, it was a american achievment. -
How are Space Stations used
Has anyone ever thought of what it would be like to live in space? A space station is used for people to live and work in space. In the 70's and 80's the U.S. and the Soviets Union placed stations all over space. Mir was one of Soviets stations and it has been in space for 15 years until it crashed in 2001. Space Stations are important because since space missions take years the astronauts need somewhere to sleep, eat, and live to finish their missions. -
How are Space Shuttles used
In 1983, space shuttles were only used once. A space shuttle was almost the same as a airplane. They have wings, a powered part that can make them fly, and have controls that are hard to remember. N.A.S.A. uses space shuttles to send satellites, fix broken ones, and send astronauts and their gear to and back from a mission. This is important because without space shuttles we wouldn't have satellites. -
The Cassini Space Probe
This fancy piece of equipment was launched by scientists to one of Saturns moons,Enceladus in October 1, 1997 and landed January 14, 2005. When the probe landed the scientists found proof that there is geysers on Enceladus crust. When there's geysers, there's water and there's a possibility that if this moon has enough water and heat to help people stay alive. This is important because it could be true that living things can say alive on a plantet or moon if there's enough water and heat.