Space event from the year 2000's to 2021

  • First space robot to Orbit the Earth

    The name was sputnik and he had achieved the fit ever robot landing by himself. However it wasn't the robot that makes this a popular event in space , it was that this started the revolutionary race between
  • The First animal in space

    On the 3rd of November 1957 the first dog was sent to space. The dogs names was Laika an she was destined to be the next big space event. After planning everything the project was ready to go ahead. However tragically she died within the fist 7 hours of the launch.
  • The first robot to impact the Moon

    The soviets decided to make the first man made robot to crash int the moon. This would be their 6th attempt involving the Luna robot and they weren't giving up that easily. However they succeeded and discovered that the moon has no magnetic field.
  • The first women to orbit space 48 times

    Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, born March 6, 1937, was the first Soviet cosmonaut, the first woman to travel into space. On June 16, 1963, she was launched in the spacecraft Vostok 6, which completed 48 orbits in 71 hours.