New Technology
Between 1950 and 1960 Russia and the U.S. tried to be the first country who is flying in the space. (The time of the Cold war) -
The First Satelite SPUTNIK
The first Satelite SPUTNIK was launched in the elliptical low Earth Orbit by the Sorviet Union (Russia) -
First Annimal in Space
Russia send the first snnimal in the Space ( in Sputnik 2) -
First American Satelite
The United States Launches the first American Satelite. (the 30.8 pound Explorer 1) -
First Probe Files
Russia send the first probe files past the moon. They took first Pictures of the far side. -
First Wheather Satelite
THe first Wheather satelite was send into space for a Worldwide Metrological Satellite information System. -
The first Human in Space
The first Human (Yuri Gargari) was send from Russia in Space. ( In the space rocket Vostor 1) -
Second Human in Space
Alan B.Shepard is the second Human on Space (Amreica) In the Freedom 7 -
Circled Earth
John Glenn is the first American who circled Earth. He made three Orbits in Friendship 7 Mercury Space Craft -
First American who made spacewalk
Edward H. White is the first American who made a spacewalk. He stayed from June 3-7. -
Apollo 8
Apollo 8 flight to the moon views Ears from Lunar orbitert -
Neil Armsotong
Neil Armstrong becommes the first Human who walks on the moon. He arrived in the Apollo 11. He sayed one of the famoust quotes of the world. This a one small step for a man, one giant leap for the mankind.nei -
First Space Station
The Soviet Union launches the first space station (Salyt) -
pioneer 10
The Pioneer 10 was send to the auter solar system -
Voyagger 1 and 2
THe Voyager 1 and 2 wented to Jupiter and Saturn -
Hubble Space Telescop
the space telescope is intended to be regulary serviced by shuttle crews. -
International Space Station
The first two module of the International space station are joined together. -
It was built by NASA, ESA, and JPL. The Mars Rovers were sent to study Mars, and learn if it was possible that life could exist on it. They had 4 successful rovers.