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Space Craft

  • New Technology

    New Technology
    Between 1950 and 1960 Russia and the U.S. tried to be the first country who is flying in the space. (The time of the Cold war)
  • The First Satelite SPUTNIK

    The First Satelite SPUTNIK
    The first Satelite SPUTNIK was launched in the elliptical low Earth Orbit by the Sorviet Union (Russia)
  • First Annimal in Space

    First Annimal in Space
    Russia send the first snnimal in the Space ( in Sputnik 2)
  • First American Satelite

    First American Satelite
    The United States Launches the first American Satelite. (the 30.8 pound Explorer 1)
  • First Probe Files

    First Probe Files
    Russia send the first probe files past the moon. They took first Pictures of the far side.
  • First Wheather Satelite

    First Wheather Satelite
    THe first Wheather satelite was send into space for a Worldwide Metrological Satellite information System.
  • The first Human in Space

    The first Human in Space
    The first Human (Yuri Gargari) was send from Russia in Space. ( In the space rocket Vostor 1)
  • Second Human in Space

    Second Human in Space
    Alan B.Shepard is the second Human on Space (Amreica) In the Freedom 7
  • Circled Earth

    Circled Earth
    John Glenn is the first American who circled Earth. He made three Orbits in Friendship 7 Mercury Space Craft
  • First American who made spacewalk

    First American who made spacewalk
    Edward H. White is the first American who made a spacewalk. He stayed from June 3-7.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    Apollo 8 flight to the moon views Ears from Lunar orbitert
  • Neil Armsotong

    Neil Armsotong
    Neil Armstrong becommes the first Human who walks on the moon. He arrived in the Apollo 11. He sayed one of the famoust quotes of the world. This a one small step for a man, one giant leap for the mankind.nei
  • First Space Station

    First Space Station
    The Soviet Union launches the first space station (Salyt)
  • pioneer 10

    pioneer 10
    The Pioneer 10 was send to the auter solar system
  • Voyagger 1 and 2

    Voyagger 1 and 2
    THe Voyager 1 and 2 wented to Jupiter and Saturn
  • Hubble Space Telescop

    Hubble Space Telescop
    the space telescope is intended to be regulary serviced by shuttle crews.
  • International Space Station

    International Space Station
    The first two module of the International space station are joined together.
  • marsrovers

    It was built by NASA, ESA, and JPL. The Mars Rovers were sent to study Mars, and learn if it was possible that life could exist on it. They had 4 successful rovers.