Period: to
Space race in the 70's
lunar rover
The USSR launches and lands the first remote controled lunar rover on the moon. the rover mission was called Lunokhod. this was the first of 2 rovers of the same name. this was lunokhod 1. it is still on the moon today. -
space station
Agiain the USSR beat us and had the first space station. the space station was called the Salyut 1. it also became the first manned space station with the help of soyuz11. It succesfully docked on June 7. The crew stayed up there for 23 days. but they died on reentry. the space station stayed in orbit for a total of 175 days but came to a end after the USSR decided to destroy it after the Soyuz space needed to be redesighned. -
orbital observitory
when they sent solyut 1 in space. they had the orion 1 telescope space insttraments. when soyet 11 docked on solyut 1 it became the first manned observitory and the first time man used a telescope in space. -
orbit around mars
the Mariner 9 became the first spacecraft to orbit around mars. just beating the USSR's mars 2 and mars 3. It took picters of mars surface. it mapped about 70% of the martian surface. they decomition it october 27, 1972. it is still orbiting mars and they predictied it will be destroyed in 2022 because it will endter the martan atmosphere and burn up and/or crash. -
mars landing
The USSR beat us to the martian surface. they obtained the first soft landing on mars with there Mars 3 orbiter and lander. its twin sister, Mars 2 crashed on the surface of mars 9 days earlier. Mars 3 also sent the first photograph from the surface. scientists could not get anything from the photogragh they it took. -
outer plant missions
Nasa designed a spacecraft to go past the astroid belt for the first time. this spacecraft was called pioneer 10. it was the first spacecraft to leave the the inner planet and traverse the astroid belt. it was also the first to fly by jupiter. it is still in deep space. we lost contact to it in 2003. in 2012 it was perdicted to be 106 AU from earth -
flyby of murcury
the first flyby of murcury and venus. this was made possible of NASA. mariner 10 was the spacecraft. and also it was the first one to use a gravitational assist manouevre -
orbit around venus
the USSR sent venera 9 to orbit around venus. it also took pitcuers on venus. -
multi-national mission
this was the very first multinatonal space mission was the Apollo-Soyuz test project. it involved the united states and the USSR. -
more mars
the first soil sample from mar is retreved because of the viking program and NASA