the space race
the soviets were the greatest rivals against the USA -
The soviets launch the first space probe into outer space this scared the Americans because they thought the soviets could launch nukes through outer space -
sputnk 2
sputnik 2 was the second artifical satelite to orbit the earth with a living animal inside -
the nasa agency is responseble for the civilian space program and aerospace -
1st man in space
on april 12 1961 the soviet union launched yuri gagarian into orbit around the earth -
apollo missions
the apollo program started 1961 it was a group of space missions with manned and unmanned spacecraft to the moon -
friendship 7
the misson of friendship 7 was to put a man in the orbit of earth and watch how he reacts to space -
first man on the moon
neil armstrong and buzz aldrin became the first people on the moon. -
the launch of explorer one
it was the first spacecraft to detect the van allen radiation belt -
1st american in space
john glenn was the first american in space he orbited the earth in 4 hr 55 min