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Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

  • Friendship Treaty

    Afghanistan signed a twenty year friendship treaty with the Soviet Union. This increased the amount of Russian military and economic assistance in Afghanistan. Despite this, the Taraki government wasn't able to be stabilized.
  • Afghan President is Overthrown

    Sardar Mohammed Daoud, former president of Afghanistan, was overthrown and murdered by communist rebels. This marked the beginning of political unrest in Afghanistan which resulted in the Soviet Union intervening two years later.
  • Taraki is Murdered

    After Daoud was assassinated, Nur Mohammed Taraki, head of the Afghan Communist Party, became president. However, Taraki's government failed for many reasons and he was overthrown and murdered. Soviet troops went to Afghanistan and implemented a government there that was acceptable to the Russians. Afghan rebels fought against this, which caused a conflict.
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    The Soviet Union organized a military airlift into Kabul, which consisted of about 280 transport aircraft and three divisions that had around 8,500 men each. Shortly, the Soviets were able to secure Kabul and create an assault unit against Tajberg Palace. The Afghan army put up a brief defense.
  • Babrak Karmal Becomes Afghanistan's New Leader

    Babrak Karmal was the exiled leader of Marxist People's Democrat Party in Afghanistan. He was installed as Afghanistan's new government head.
  • Ronald Reagan Becomes President

    When Ronald Reagan became president, the United States provided military assistance to a certain group of people in Afghanistan. These people were known as the "freedom fighters".
  • The Soviets Retreat

    Mikhail Gorbachev, the new Soviet leader, decided that it was best to get out of Afghanistan. They began to leave in 1988. By February 15, 1989, all Soviet forces had crossed the boarder.
  • Fall of the Soviet Empire

    The Soviets were never able to recover from the great financial losses that the war had caused. This ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, which was one of the largest world superpowers for years.