Southern Voices

By lisab66
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    Ku Klux Klan

    First Klan in 1860’s then died in the 70’s (1865-1870’s); the second flourished in the mid-1920’s (1915-1944); third emerged after WWII and opposed the Civil Rights Movement (1946-present)
    Far right organizations in the US which have advocated white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration historically expressed through terrorism
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    Suffrage Movement in the South

    Began 1880’s; movement that fought the rights of women (19th amendment gives the right to vote); Tennessee became the 36th state to pass it making ¾ majority to amend the constitution
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    Great Migration

    The movement of 2 million African-Americans out of the Southern United States to the Mideast, Northeast, and West from 1910-1930
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    Marcus Garvey

    Founder and head of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, founded August 1, 1914 in London. Moved to the US in 1916 and settled in Harlem. Known as “Black Moses”, he developed the UNIA into the largest black organization up until that time. Advocated “the new Negro” (exhibiting pride and determination), and his newspaper Negro World touted the virtues of black culture. Founded the Negro Factories Corporation and the Black Star Line. Promoted Pan-Africanism and separatism, calling for a bl
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    William Faulkner

    Novelist. First book The Marble Faunappeared in 1924 and his first novel, Soldier’s Pay, in 1926. The Sound and the Fury (1929). As I Lay Dying (1930). Received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1949 and the Pulitzer Prize in 1955.
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    Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance was the flowering of African-American poetry, prose, and consciousness centered in New York City’s black ghetto of Harlem. It was also the center for jazz music.
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    Jazz Age

    1920’s “The Jazz Age” centered in Harlem. Paul Whiteman’s orchestra made jazz a familiar sound nation wide after 1924. New jazz took most inspiration from the blues performed by legendary African-American singers and performers.
  • Louis Armstrong

    invited to play second trumpet in Joe “King” Oliver’s Chicago Creole Street Band.
  • Religion in the South

    Beginning of the civil war Baptist and Methodist churches had attracted the most members of the South; known as “The Bible Belt” because of the significance of socially conservative evangelical Protestantism (first coined 1924)
  • Clarence Darrow, Teaching of Evolution and Creationism

    1925 trial of John Scopes,accused of teaching the theory of evolution to his high school class in Dayton, Tennessee, in violation of state law. Clarence Darrow, a renowned lawyer, came to town to defend Scopes. Opponent was William Jennings Bryan, Wilson’s first secretary of state and frequent presidential candidate, who intended to uphold the Genesis creation myth and the sanctity of the Bible. The jury found Scopes guilty.
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    Langston Hughes

    showcased his solo ability. Invented “scat” singing.
  • Great Depression

    The economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s
  • Langston Hughes's Mulatto

    American writer of the “lost generation” during the 1920’s. His play Mulatto was popular in the late 1930’s.
  • Langston Hughes

    known as bandleader, composer, movie star, and comedian.
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    Dust Bowl

    1930’s; What the Great Plains region was called because of the severe drought. Pockets of drought in 1931, ‘32 it spread, ‘33 it intensified, ‘34 it settled across the entire region from Kansas to Colorado and northern Texas. It had a greater effect on driving up commodity prices by 50% in 1934 than the AAA did. Thousands of farm families moved on to either cities or California but many stayed on after the New Deal programs raised their hopes
  • Richard Wright

    Native Son, a harrowing tale of an African-American youth’s alienation and accidental slide into brutality, appeared in print.
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    Brown vs. Board of Education

    The Brown vs. Board of Education lawsuit began in 1951 in Topeka, Kansas. The Supreme Court declared segrated in education illegal in 1954.
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    Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This is categorized as the second reconstruction period because it dismantled the Jim Crow Laws and produced unprecedented levels of federal intervention including the Voting Rights Act, the Immigration Act, and the Fair Housingn Act.