Kyler STAAR 5

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    it limited the power of the king of england gave white rich men more rights
  • Period: 1500 to


    this system provided raw materials for England which then sold the finished product back to the colonies Americas felt and violated their freedom too trade with the other Confederates
  • Jamestown

    first successful english colony in america
  • Virginia House of Burgess

    first representative government in america
  • Mayflower compact

    statement that they would stick together with religes freedom
  • Period: to

    New England colonies formed

    Religious freedom.
    Atlantic coast rocky soil. forest areas long harsh winters.
    puritans and pilgrums.
  • Fundamental orders of Connecticut

    form of representative government in american colonies
  • Period: to

    French & Indian war

    Fought between the french & native american Vs. great Britain because it was expected so they had to impost taxing on america colonist witch upset them
  • proclamation line

    line set on after the F & I war it affected colonist because they had to be east of the appellation mountains
  • Stamp Act

    first tax placed on america colonies to pay balls the debt coast log the fni war
  • Stamp act congress

    the first Continental congress and they desscused the first tax
  • Period: to

    thomas jeffersons presidency

    he whent into the barberry war
  • thomas jefferson

    bought the loisiana
  • marberry vs madison

    sets up the princibale of jewdishal review