south east Asia

  • they got their independence

    they got their independence from France
  • the king

    the king abdicated in favor of his father.
  • served ties

    cambodia severed ties with the South Vietnam
  • Period: to

    the Cambodia civil war

    they fought to the death and the date was 1/17/1968 and it ended 4/17/1975
  • general Lon Nol overthrew the king

    general overthrew the king because he established a republic.
  • General Lon Nol overthrew Sihanouk

    General Lon Nol overthrew Sihanouk and established a republic. Start of the Cambodian Civil War and the US Cambodian Campaign.
  • The Khmer Rouge allied with Sihanouk

    The Khmer Rouge allied with Sihanouk captured Phnom Penh and declared the establishment of Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Sihanouk got exiled

    Sihanouk exiled and establishment of Democratic Kampuchea under total Khmer Rouge control.
  • broke the relations

    they broke the relations with socialist republic of Vietnam
  • Phnom Penh falls to the Vietnamese

    who install a new regime. Civil war begins, pitting the Khmer Rouge, nationalists and royalists against each other.
  • Hun Sen

    Hun Sen is a former Khmer Rouge cadre who defected, is appointed as prime minister of Cambodia's Vietnam-installed government.
  • The last Vietnamese troops

    The last Vietnamese troops withdrew from Cambodia.
  • the war tied

    Vietnam says it has withdrawn from Cambodia.
  • A peace treaty is signed

    Cambodia is placed under UN supervision until elections are held. UN peacekeepers begin operations almost five months later.
  • After decades of unrest

    the first democratic elections are held, sponsored by the UN.
  • Cambodia held free elections.

    Cambodia held free elections. The Khmer Rouge boycotted them.
  • A new constitution was ratified

    A new constitution was ratified under which the Cambodian monarchy was restored. Norodom Sihanouk returned to the throne.
  • Prince Norodom Ranariddh

    Prince Norodom Ranariddh of the royalist Funcinpec party becomes first prime minister and Hun Sen of the Cambodian People's Party is named second prime minister.
  • The Khmer Rouge

    The Khmer Rouge is outlawed.
  • former Khmer Rouge

    Former Khmer Rouge foreign minister Ieng Sary defects to the Cambodian government, bringing thousands of followers with him.
  • pol pot

    the death of pol pot