South Africa History

  • The arrival of Jan Riebeeck

    The first serious effort to establish a settlement, with the arrival of Jan Van Riebeeck
  • The british arrival in Cape Town

    The british arrive in Cape Town, the Dutch surrender in 1795 is known as the Capitualation of Rustenburg
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    The second boer war

    When diamonds and gold were found, the British wanted to put those areas under british control. This resulted in the Boer war, the british won and the Boer republics became british colonies.
  • South Africa became a nation

    On the 31 may 1910, eight years after the Boers had made peace with the English, South Africa became a nation
  • The anc was founded

    The struggle against injustice and the systematic oppression of black people started in 1912, efforts were stepped up when an organization called the African National Congress was founded in 1923
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    A system of racial segregation
  • nelson mandela in prison

    nelson mandela was sentenced to life in prison
  • World Cup

  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela, Africas first black president, died