South Africa history

  • 400

    4th century

    North settles starts joining the San and Khoikhoi people.
  • 1480


    The Portuguese navigator Bartholomeu Dias is the first person from Europe to discovered the South Afika area.
  • 1652

    The Dutch East India Company represent Jan van Riebeeck founds the Cape Colony at Table Bay and is the first European colony.
  • 1795

    The British forces take over the Dutch cape colony. In 1803 the area is returned to the Netherlands but then again become the British Colony again 1806.
  • 1816 to 1826

    Shaka Zulu creates fighting force and expand Zulu empire. Later the Zulu empire were defeated by the British empire.
  • 1835 to 1840

    Boers found the orange Free State and the Transvaal and leave the cape colony.
  • 1867

    Diamonds are discovered at Kimberly.
  • 1880 to 1881

    The first Angelo Boer war, between the Boers and the British,binging and ends with a negotiated peace.
  • Mid 1880s

    In Transvaal gold is discovered wich started the gold rush.
  • 1899

    The second Angelo Boer war begins. This time the British empire succeed and take over the Dutch colonies.
  • 1910

    The British empire form the union of South Africa, including the cape and natal colonies but also the transvaal and Orange Free State. 2 years later the Native National Congress, later African National Congress who fights for the black lives.
  • 1948

    The policy of apartheid becomes official when the National party takes the power of South Africa.
  • 1950

    The South African population are now divided by races. ANC, led by Nelson Mandela, responds with a campaign of civil refusal.
  • 1964

    Nelson Mandela sentenced to a life in prison.
  • 1990

    Nelson Mandela were released from prison after 27 years and 1994 he becomes the first black president in South Africa.