History of South Africa

  • Apartheid Began

    The Apartheid was a racial domination and it began in the midlle of the 17th century when the Dutch East India Company set up a provisioning station.
  • Excluded From The Olympics

    South Africa was not allowed to play in the Olympic Games in 1960 to 1992.
  • Mandela Arrested

    Mandela was arrested for plotting against the government. He stayed active politically and will spend 27 years in prison.
  • 600 People Killed In A Protest

    Around 600 people were killed in a violent conflict between black protesters an security guards
  • Education

    Schools were separated for all the races, but sometimes Indian and African children were sent to the same school because of the lack of number in students.
  • Immorality Act Is Over

    The police were traking down racially mixed couples and nvading home. Most likely the blackes were often given harsher scentences than whites.
  • Apartheid Came to an End

    President F.W. de Klerk announced that the apartheid ended in 1990. By 1991 all of the apartheid laws were put to an end.
  • The Nobel Peace Prize

    Mandela and De Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • South Africa Wins The World Cup

    South Africa wons the World Cup rugby tournament.
  • Thabo Mbeki

    June 2, 1999, Thabo Mbeki, the pragmatic deputy president and leader of the ANC, was elected president in a landslide
  • Zuma Takes on Prsidentcy

    Zuma was elected again, leader of the African National Congress.
  • Mandela leaves Presidentcy

    Nelson Mandela died at age 95 from ill health and lung infection.