south africa

  • The National Party

    The National Party
    The national party was elected that means apartheid has stared
  • The africa nationals

    The africa nationals
    The congress starts the defiance campaign.

    The African National Congress starts the Defiance Campaign.
  • nelson opens

    nelson opens
    Nelson mandela opens the first black legal firm
  • killed

    There were sixty-nine people killed in a massacre
  • nelson arested

    nelson arested
    he got arestred
  • great britan

    great britan
    Rhodesia illegally gains independence from Great Britain.
  • expelled

    South Africa is expelled from the United Nations.
  • 600

    More than 600 students are killed in the Soweto Massacre.
  • paul

    Paul Simon releases the album Graceland.
  • He is back home

    He is back home
    Nelson Mandela is released from prison.
  • Ends it

    Ends it
    President Frederik Willem de Klerk ends the ban on the African National Congress
  • president of south africa

    president of south africa
    Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa.
  • black groups

    black groups
    seperated homeland are created for the major black groups
  • killed

    Anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko is killed.