south Africa

  • Apr 6, 1550

    White settlers from the Netherlands arrived in South Africa

    White settlers from the Netherlands arrived in South Africa
  • Anglo-Boer war

    Anglo-Boer war
  • Act of the Union

    Act of the Union
  • Period: to


  • Though apartheid officially began

    Though apartheid officially began
  • Dr. D.F. Malan’s nationalist party

    Dr. D.F. Malan’s nationalist party
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act

    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
  • constituted the government’s first step in institutionalizing racial differentiation

    constituted the government’s first step in institutionalizing racial differentiation
  • Immorality Act

    Immorality Act
  • The Groups Areas Act

    The Groups Areas Act
  • Registration Act

    Registration Act
  • Authorities Act

    Authorities Act
  • Documents Act

    Documents Act
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s theory of non-violence

    Mahatma Gandhi’s theory of non-violence
  • a survey showed that for an African

    a survey showed that for an African
  • student to teacher ratio

    student to teacher ratio