South africa provinces

South Africa

  • Jan 1, 1497

    Christmas River

  • Jan 1, 1500


    People live the wild life hunting animals for food to support thier families.
  • The take-over

    The take-over
    In the year 1652 the French took over the country and the land.
  • The return of the wild life

    The return of the wild life
  • 100-year-war

    The longest war between Eastern Cape and the european take-over.
  • A legacy of the people who died in the war

  • Progress

    The europearn brought Christianity, universities and schools to the country.
  • Farm vs. City

    Many people moved from the farms into the city there the schools and education was. But others also staid to support there families.
  • The independence

    The South Africaans had their independence from the europearn people.
  • Reformation

    The union of South Africa was reformed.
  • The National African Congress

    The Congress was build.
  • They became a republic

  • The border war

  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    In April 1994, Nelson Mandela became the president. He was a national and international icon for the South African people.
  • A new South Africa

    A new South Africa
    The country hostes a lot of football-World Cups. The cultures in the country are united and special.