The setting takes place in a futuristic setting where time travel is possible.
Eckels is a hunter and enters a company called TIme Safari inc.
Eckels pays the company to take him to pre-historic times to hunt a dinosaur.
Travis is the guide who travels alongside with Eckels and his assistant and other hunters. -
Rising Action
The Hunters and guides travel to prehistoric times.
The group moves through the dense forest.
They spot the Tyrannosaurus out of the mist.
Eckels decides that he does not want to be apart of the killing of the dinosaur.
The T-Rex is moving very quickly towards the group. -
Eckels steps off the path and onto the jungle killing a butterfly. -
Falling Action
T-rex is dead.
Travis threats Eckels by saying they will leave him behind.
Eckels digs out the bullets in the dead dinosaur.
They arrive back in the future
Time has changed due to the death of the butterfly (different spelling in present time) -
Travis shoots Eckels with his rifle because Eckels changed the present time and did what Travis told him not to do.