Born on March 22nd
In San Antonio -
Started at the Acorn School of San Antonio
Going to preschool and kindergarten here was what first sparked my interest in becoming a teacher. All of my teachers here were role models to me, and the school is known for it's discovery based curriculum and center based learning which also helped me develop my love for learning. -
6th grade- Mrs. Funk
Mrs. Funk was my 6th grade science teacher. I was never good at science, but she made me confident and taught lessons in a way that made me fall in love with science and experiments at the end of the year. After this, I knew a good teacher was one that could make a subject you "hated" into a class you loved. -
Public Highschool
Oh the drama. I learned many life lessons during my first year in public highschool, but I really couldn't tell you any curriculum i learned from classes. The experience here, although hard, was life changing. I was bullied, to the point where I was physcially ill before school. -
transfered to the Winston School of San Antonio
The Winston School of San Antonio is a private school (K-12) that is for students with learning differences or disabilities. I could write a book about how this school changed my life. I grew as a person, learned about others and so much more. I don't think I would be here today if it was not for this school. -
Joined Cheerleading
If you would have told 8th or 9th grade Sosha that she would be a cheerleader she would have laughed in your face. My cheer coach and squad taught me so much. My coach really showed how to be a caring teacher, and was interested in much more than just her students grades (she was also a history teacher). -
Became cheerleading captain
8th grade Sosha is still laughing. -
Graduated from the Winston school of San Antonio
Started attending Southwestern University
My brother, sister in law and nephew somehow (I say it was fate) ended up in Georgetown, which took me here as well. My nephew is 4 years old and has autism. He, my time at the Winston School, and my first education course with Dr. Moore helped me find my passion; early childhood special ed. -
Was chosen to recieve the Hatton Sumners Scholarship
After many essay and resume revisions, multiple practice interviews, and the scariest interview of my life, I was chosen to recieve the Hatton W. Sumners Scholarship (read more http://www.hattonsumners.org/scholarships.htm here!). The main focus of my interview and essay were special education within communities and how democracy in the classroom promotes inclusion. Not only did recieving this scholarship raise my confidence but also confirmed that special ed is my passion. -
First day of Junior year!