Sophie Feairs

  • Period: to

    Sophie Feairs

  • Job Interview

    Job Interview
    On January 22 2016 I had a job interview at Valley View senior center for a part-time position.
  • Part-Time job

    Part-Time job
    Recived a job at Valley View seniors center.
  • specail school experinces

    specail school experinces
    By the end of my 4 years at Parkside I hope to recive my sports SHSM and my coop.
  • Start of Highschool

    Start of Highschool
    On september 4th 2015 I started my four years of highschool at Parkside colligate Institute.
  • Completion of Volenteer Work

    Completion of Volenteer Work
    Completion of all 40 hours Community Service.
  • High Shool Graduation

    High Shool Graduation
    By this time i will be graduated from Parkside colligate Institute with honours.
  • Move out of guardian's house

    Move out of guardian's house
    By this time i hope to have moved out of my mom's house and to be living in a residence at the university that I will be studyign at in the fall
  • Start of Post Secondary

    Start of Post Secondary
    By this time I will be starting my post secondary schooling at a university that offers a law program where i will be studying to be a lawyer.
  • Life Change

    Life Change
    By this time i will be finished post secondary and hope to beinvolved in a stable relationship and thinking about mariage and starting a family.
  • Start of Carreer

    Start of Carreer
    By this time I hope to have a stable carrer as a lawyer and be working at a law ferm.
  • Buy a House

    Buy a House
    At this time I hope to buya house in the toronto area with my significant other.
  • Marrige

    By this point in my life I will have graduated from post secondary school and will be settling down with my husband.
  • Car

    Because I will be starting a family I will need to buy a car to help with transportation of my childen. (ie. Back and fourth to school)
  • Carrer Advancement

    Carrer Advancement
    By the end of 2015 I hope to have a successful job and recieve a promotion with a higher pay.