Soni Siale

By jsiale
  • Date of Birth

    This is when the beast was born
  • Twin Brothers

    This is when they came
  • Disney Land

    This is when i went to Disney Land for the first time
  • Baptism

    This is when i officially became a member of my church
  • First year of football

    This is when i started my first year of football
  • Priesthood

    This is when i recieved the priesthood for my church
  • Sacrament

    This is when i passed the sacrament for the first time
  • Highschool

    This is when i first became a highchool student
  • First time Working out

    The first time i ever lifted a weight
  • Transfer

    I transferred schools to Shadow Mountain
  • Injury

    Tore my ACL
  • Met a Girl

    Asked my girlfriend out
  • Transfer Again

    I Transfer schools to Mesa High
  • Transfer AGAIN

    I transferred to Gilbert
  • Drivers Licsense

    Got my drivers liscense