Son of the Mob: Hollywood Hustle by Gordon Korman fiction 268 pages

  • Chapter 1 - Chapter 6 (page 448)

    Kendra, Alex and Vince go to California for college. Vince's bags got switched at home and the ones he has are full of cash. He mean uncle at the airport to get the lencght ones. Vince's new roommate is the son of a very famous congressman, but his son hates him. Tommy comes out to California and tells Vince he wants to get out of the business. Uncle Uncle shows up in Vinces dorm.
  • Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (472 pages)

    Vince starts filming for a class project. On of his actors has to leave and Tommy volenteers to replace him. He goes off script and pulls a gun.Everyone runs and Vince has to write a new film. Vince bails Trey out of jail soon he can go to his father's speech, where he is adressing a construstion company where one of the candidates for the new manager has gone missing.Vince goes with them and finds a lot of his Dad's people at the warehouse. A riot breaks out and he knows it the uncles' faults.
  • Chapter 9 - Chapter 12 (530 pages)

    Vince makes a film about life in a dorm room for his mid term project because he has no actors or set after what Tommy did. Tommy helps the forgien students find loans frm their home countryies to help pay for school. They treat him like a hero. Tommy turns off Vince's alarm clock after he's up late working on his project. In the morning when Vince wakes up, his project is missing so he takes the tape in the TV. It is the tape of Ellis Rank, the constructin company manager, being interogated
  • Chapter 13 - Chapter 17 (581 pages)

    Trey catches Vince with Willow, Kendra breaks up with him. Tommy takes all the money the exchange students have earned and leaves. they blame it on Vince, so he promises to get them their money back. All the uncles go back to their hotel and don't come to see Vince and Trey anymore. Trey doesnt talk to Vince. Vince's dad shows up in LA. vince follows them to a warehouse. His dad tackles him and people start shooting.
  • Chapter 17 - End (628 pages)

    Congressman Sutter was involved with the kindnapping of Eillis Rnk, Anothony Luca rescued him. Toothpick sold Rank out and was the guy living with Alex. Vince makes a bet with Tommy and gets the foreign exchange students' money back. Scooby, an exchange student who was with vince, was recording while they were in the warehouse. Vince turns in the footage as his project. Kendra finds out that Willow is an FBI agent ment to spy on Vince and Trey. They make up.