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Something Borrowed-Emily Griffith Fiction-388 Pages

  • Pages 1-57

    Things get complicated when life-long friends Darcy and Rachel both become interested in the same guy, Darcy's fiancee Dex. And Rachel is surprised when she finds out her competitive best friend's lover just might have something for the Maid of Honor, herself.
  • 57-250 (Total pages: 795)

    Darcy, Rachel and Dex all spend the weekened in the wonderful Hamptns, pretending the triangle of love and betrayal is not happeneing underneath their noses.
  • 250-301 (Total Pages-846)

    While pretending to return to normality, Dez and Rachel start a frantic secret romance, all the while Darcy stays oblivious. For now...
  • 301-End Total: 892

    In the end, Darcy ends up with Marcus, rachel and Dex get their forbidden love, and friendship ends for relationships.