Computer History Timeline

By vause
  • First Show in Color

    First Show in Color
    In November 22, 1953, The Colgate Comedy Hour became the first show to broadcast in color.
  • The First Laser

    The First Laser
    In May 16, 1960, physicist Theodore Maiman created the first laser.
  • First Microprocessor

    First Microprocessor
    The computer company, Intel, along with Ted Hoff, introduced the first microprocessor - Intel 4004.
  • The Ethernet

    The Ethernet
    Robert Metcalfe invents the ethernet in the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).
  • Pac Man

    Pac Man
    The company, NAMCO, releases the game "Pac Man."
  • A New Language

    A New Language
    Bjarne Stroustrup has released a new programming language called the C++.
  • More Coding?

    More Coding?
    Near the end of 1996, Håkon Wium Lie created the concept of using CSS, another programming language to create a website.
  • The Eclipse

    The Eclipse
    A project that was created by IBM, then later became a non-profit foundation. The foundation provides IT infrastructure, IP management, development process, and ecosystem development.
  • Twitter

    Twitter, previously known as Twttr, was officially launched by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone.
  • The Silk Road

    The Silk Road
    In Febuary 4, 2015, the creator of the website, The Silk Road (website located in the "dark web" for black market , Ross Ulbricht, was finally convicted.