Sudre started creating Solresol -
Parisians started hearing about this new language -
The first time Sudre taught Solresol to Ernest Delvez and Charles Lasonneur -
Sudre named the lenguage "Telephonie" -
Military got interested for Sudre's code but it didn't match in pitches so Sudre fixed and adapted the language for military -
La Langue Musicale Universelle
Sudre used the 7-note alphabet to write the "La Langue Musicale Universelle" -
Gramatic of Solresol
40 years after Sudre's death Boleslas Gajewski plublish a book called "The Gramatic of the Solresol Language" to promulgate the language -
A comunity of Solresol speakers in internets that fixes the language and talks about it its created -
Sidosi Update
Sidosi gets un update and they make it a translator and a information website