Personality Timeline

  • birth

    I was born on April 10 2000 in Manama Bahrain. I was the second child but the first baby girl so I got all the attention from my parents,grandparents, and aunts/uncles
  • Brothers birth

    Brothers birth
    On november 26 2002 my brother was born so all the attention was on him although I still had my grandparents attention
  • pre-kindergarden

    I was really shy and scared because it was a big step in my childhood The kindergarten was next to my grandmothers house so my grandmother wouldn't have to worry about us. I was really shy and scared because it was a big step in my childhood and i wasn't ready
  • My passion for the beach

    My passion for the beach
    Growing up i loved the beach/swimming, probably every week i would go. My parents saw how much i loved swimming that they signed me up swimming lessons to be a pro i guess. It made be become really skilled at swimming and competitive.
  • being obsessed with disney

    being obsessed with disney
    Growing up I use to be so obsessed with disney princess ( i still secretly am). it shaped my personality that i became such a girly girl and that i use to go out with a princess dress for no special occasion.
  • My first trip out of the country

    My first trip was London, England, it was really weird to me because they're were no arabs there, and it was defiantly a new culture that was the opposite than the Bahrain culture.
  • horse riding

    at the age of eleven my parents signed me up for horse riding classes, during that age i deposed animals and they wanted me to get over my fear of animals so they signed me up. I was really scared but when i rode the horse (which took forever) i started loving animals and got over my fears and was my new favourite hobby.
  • moving to a new house

    Growing up i lived in a really old neighbourhood of Bahrain and was really shy about it and the house was really small and old that i didn't even want to invite my friends of how embarrassing it was. After 12 years i moved to this amazing house that 4 times bigger than the old one and i started being confident about it and started inviting my friends over.