Sociology Personality Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on November 6th 2003
  • Period: to

    Sociology Personality Timeline

  • Sister's Birth

    Sister's Birth
    My sister is almost 3 years younger than me but still manages to be only 2 grades lower than me due to her early birthday. She can be annoying sometimes but also very sweet.
  • Hummelstown flood

    Hummelstown flood
    This flood was when I was in 2nd grade or something like that. Personally, I was not affected because I live on a hill. But I remember not being able to go under the underpass because the bridge was flooded and houses were destroyed.
  • Barack Obama Reelection

    Barack Obama was reelected on my 9th Birthday.
  • First day of 6th grade

    I had never been in a school with different teachers for every class before but I was excited for the food. I also wanted a challenge and thought that I would get it in middle school. Unfortunately, my 6th grade year wasn't great but life goes on.
  • Trump's election

    Trump was elected as president two days after my 13th birthday
  • The Greatest Showman Released

    The Greatest Showman Released
    This is a movie that I love so much. I enjoy the soundtrack especially and continue to listen to it. This movie made me overjoyed.
  • Homosexual Realization

    Homosexual Realization
    I realized I was gay in eighth grade at the end of the year sometime. I think it was early June.
  • Musical Auditions

    Musical Auditions
    I auditioned for the school musical and got in. Personally, I don't think I'm super amazing at singing or dancing but I managed to get in anyway. It was a fun experience.
  • A Star is Born Release

    A Star is Born is one of my favorite movies and is incredibly emotional. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and hope to get it on DVD soon. The soundtrack is especially good.