Jan 1, 1562
Age of reason
These toughs were first introdused by Francis Bacon.
With time they built up the following concepts:
-Reason -
John Locke
John locke is born in wrington
He is considered the creator of modern liberalism and empirism -
Louis XIV
The "Sun king" is born in France.
He was a great representant of the absolutism in France. He expresed his power by using this frase "L'État, c'est moi" -
Navigation Act
Prevent colonies from selling to other countries without British permision. -
(Not exact date, only year) Louis XIV built the palace of Versaille to keep an eye on his nobility -
During the late 17th century the enlightenment was a very important movent in France and other countries.
With time they built up the following concepts:
-Nature -
John locke
He was made comissioner of trade. -
7 Years war
War between England and Fance (won by France) -
Industrial Revolution
(Only year is accurate)
Great Britain
Increased output of machine-made goods
Use of steam engine
Textile industry
Agriculture--> Industrial -
End of 7 years war
France won the war -
Currency act
Restricted the colonies of having their own paper money -
Quartering act
The colonies must have British army in their territories -
Stamps act
Tax over official stamps -
Sugar act
Some products may be treated only through British ships -
Napoleon Bonaparte
He was born in Ajaccio -
GB political stability
This is the period when GB had its chance to develop their great economic power. -
Boston tea party
Protest against importation tax on tea.They dumped British tea in boston -
1st continental congress
Protest against GB and the king -
Starts Louis XVI
The government of the last absolutist king starts -
American revolutionary war
War against GB. The 13 colonies wanted an opinion within the parliament. -
2nd Continental congress
The congress voted to raise an army to protect their interests (George Washington) -
Start: American revolution
Independence of the 13 colonies. War against Great Britain. -
New philosophy
(Only year is accurate)
New philosophy about the role of state in economy
Laissez-faire economy
"An inquiry of the causes and nature of the wealth of nations" (1776) -
Our common sense
Pamphlet written by Thomas Payne -
Dclaration of independence
They declared their independence from Great Britain.
-George Washington
-Thomas Jefferson
-Benjamin Franklin
-Samuel and Jon Adams
-John Hancock -
New U.S.A. Constitution
New type of government- Federal
-Checks and balances -
Treaty of Paris
Great Britain recognized the independence of the 13 colonies -
Bill of rights
The ten first amendments were included to the constitution. -
Period: to
National Assembly
Franch Revolution
Third Estate insisted that the 3 estates should meet and that each delegate should have a vote -
Tennis court oath
General Estates - National Assembly
3rd Estate delegates pledged to stay toghether until they had a new constitution -
French revolution
Fall of the Old Regime (absolutism) -
Storming of the Bastille
Mob stormed the Bastille - Begining of the revolution -
Consequences of enlightenment
-Belief in progress
-Secular Outlook- Relevance of deism
-Enlightened desposts
-Ilustrated desposts -
Declaration of rights of Man and Citizen
-Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Reforms over the catholic church -
Legislative assembly
Constitutional monarchy + legislative assembly (parliament) -
Royality tries to escape
French Royal Family tries to escape to Austria but they were aprenhenden -
Period: to
The French Republic
Republic lead by jacobines
Robespierre became leader of the comitee of public safety (dictator) -
War against Austria an Prusia
Legislative assembly declared war against Austria and Prusia becaused they urged to restore the Old Regime in France -
Threat of destroying Paris
A Prusian comander threatened to detroy Paris if the radicals harmed a member of the royality -
Death of Louis XVI
He was killed for treason - He died on the guillotine -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
Period of violence between Girondines and Jacobines -
Period: to
Legislative and excecutive power
-Government led by Girondines -
Period: to
Three consuls of wich Napoleon was the first -
Loss of control
The Directory lost control
Napoleon seized power- dissolution of the directory -
War against Napoleon
Great Britain, Austria and Prusia declared war against Napoleon -
Napoleon as emperor
Napoleon was elected by the people to be emperor of France ->Dissolution of the Cosnulate -
End of Consulate
Continental System
Blockage against Great Britain. All economies were affected -
Peninsular War
Invasion to Portugal and Spain.
Spanish guerrillas against French armies -
Valladolid Conspiration L.A.
Start of Latin American Independences
Start of Mexican Independence
Grito de Dolores, Guanajuato
Fernando VII, religion, VS French -
Period: to
Mexican Independence
Civil Wars (Latin America [L.A.])
Result of power vacuum in Spain -
Conspiration of Queretaro
Meeting of Zitacuaro
Leadered by Ignacio Rayon to eliminate violence from the insurgent movements -
Sentimientos de la Nación
Equiality, Freedom and Sovereignty. -
Period: to
Constitution of Cadiz
Congress of Chilpancingo
Constitution of Apatzingan - Republic
Return of Fernando VII
Abolition of the Cadiz Constitution and absolutism -
Battle of Liepzig
Napoleon was defeated by the 6th Coalition (Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, Sweden) -
Morelos was sentenced to dead
Restoration Europe
Europe. Congress of Vienna. Beginning of a conservaive reaction liberal and nationalst forces. -
Congress of Vienna
Meeting in which European leaders tried to establish a long-standing peace on the continent. -
Period: to
Consumation of the Mexican Independence
Economic damage, political inestability. -
End of Latin American independences
Portuguese liberal revolution
Period: to
Revolutions of 1820
Europe. Gb, Spain, Russia, Naples and Piedmont, Greece.
Greece was succesfully independent from the Ottoman Empire -
First Railroad
(Only year is exact)
First railroad made during the industrial revolution
Transports goods and people
Migration from rural to urban -
End of National Wars in L.A.
Reestablishment of liberalism in Spain
Due to the restablishment of the Constitution of Cadiz -
Period: to
First Mexican Empire
Was the first Mexican Government after all the years under the Spanish power. The emperor was Agustin I of Mexico. -
Hug of Acatempan
Mexico. Aliance between Guerrero and Iturbide -
Plan of Iguala
Independence and equality. -
Dath of Napoleon
He died in the island of St. Helena -
Army of the three guarantees takes Mexico City
They sign the Independence of Mexico -
Treaties of Cordoba
Vice-king Juan de O'Donoju recognizes the independence of Mexico with these treaties. -
Independence of Brazil
Don Juan (Son of Queen Mary) proclaimed Brazil as an independent kingdom from Portugal. -
Plan de Casa Mata
Plan publicado por Antonio López de Santa Anna, fue usado para derrocar a Agustín de Iturbide. Este suceso dio inicio a la república -
Guadaupe Victoria sube al poder
1st president of the Mexican Republic. "La república es la mejor forma de gobierno" -
Promulgation of the Constitution of 1824
The Mexican territories were officialed named as Estados Unidos Mexicanos. It stablished the catolic religion as the only one allowed and was a representative federal republic. 3 powers + 19 states + catolic religion. -
Reconquista española
Tax Union
Union among German states -
Period: to
Revolutions of 1830
Europe. Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Poland (Russia), Italian and German territories, Belgium.
New King Charles X -> Louis Phillipe of Orléans -
Period: to
Revolutions of 1848
France -> "Crisis de la Patata" (1846)
Separation between burgoisie and working class -
Period: to
German Unification
39 states (Rhim confederation)
Otto Von Bismarck - Real Politik
-Unification based on Prussia
-Weaken Austria -
French imperialism
Took place in Algeria -
Period: to
Queen Victoria
Plan Lerma
Fin de la 1ª república federal -
The Seven Laws
It had its bases on the ourth power wich was the Supreme Conservative Power. (4 powers)
First central republic. -
Organic Bases
2ª república central
Desintgran el Supremo Poder Conservador regresando a los 4 poderes -
Crisis de la patata
Period: to
Italian Unification
Period: to
Second Industrial Revolution
New industries
New sources of energy
Transportation industries
Scientific Organization -
Period: to
Dictadura de Santa Anna
Revolución de Ayutla
Plan de Ayutla
En contra de Santa Anna. Unión momentánea entre liberales y conservadores, pueblo y prensa -
Ley Juárez
Supresión de los fueros eclesiásticos. -
Ley Iglesias
Control de cementerios a cargo del estado. -
Ley lerdo
Desmortización de lo bienes en poder de corporaciónes eclesiásticos -
Triunfo de los conservadores
Period: to
Guerra de los 3 años
Period: to
Guerra de Reforma
Italian unification phase 1
France+Piedmont VS Austria -
Mageta and Solferino Wars
The Red Cross international organization is formed -
Equilibrio de fuerzas y Leyes de Reforma
Leyes de Reforma proclamadas por Juárez contra propiedades de la iglesia. -
I.U Phase 2
Anexation of Parma, Tuscany and PS -
Participación de potencia extranjeras
Tratado Mclaine-Ocampo.
Dinero a cambio del ítsmo de Tehuantepec -
Fin de la guerra de Reforma
La alianza entre liberales y EUA evitó la toma de Veracrúz por parte de los liberales -
Italian Unification (I.U.) phase 3
Revolution of two sciciles. army lead by Garibaldi.
The Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed by King Victor Emmanuelle II. -
Guerra de sucesión
EUA deja de apoyar a Juárez. -
Invasión en Veracruz
Period: to
Segunda intervención Francesa
German Unification (G.U.) Phase 1
Austria+Prussia VS Denmark.
Austria took Holstein and Prussia Schleswig -
Tratado de Miramar
Maximiliano (renuncia al trono Austriaco) + Napoleón III (Francia, otorga apoyo militar) -
Period: to
Segundo Imperio
Francia formó una Junta de Ntables para aprovar la formación de uns monarquía católica -> Maximiliano de Hasburgo -
Gobierno de Maximiliano y Carlota
Políticas liberales:
-Aceptar Leyes de Reforma
-Pena de muerte a traidores
-Restablecimiento de la esclavitud
-desamortizó bienes de la iglesia -
Austro-Prussian War
Austria lost Venetia in favour to Italy -
G.U Phase 2
Austria lost Venetia and prussia took control of Northern Germany -
Muerte de Maximiliano
Maximiliano muere fusilado en el cerro de las campanas.
-Retiro de apoyo frances ante la guerra Franco-Prusiana
-Falta de Apoyo internacional
-EUA apoyó a Juárez -
Period: to
Gobierno Benito Juárez
Empieza modernización -
2nd Reich
Creation of the German Empire -
German unification. Phase 3
Prussia Vs France.
Bismark manipulated France so they would declare war against them.
Prussia won and took the Alsace and Lorraine. -
Period: to
Economic Esplotation and indirect control. Colonialism is a direct domain over territories, imposed religion and destruction of traditions.
Neo-colonialism Economic Control -
Muerte de Juárez
Reelección de Juárez
Presidencia interina
Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada es presidente interino debido a la muerte de Juárez -
Economic crisis
Monopilies caused many companies to fall. there was a lot to sell but no one would buy -
Reelección de Lerdo
Se reelige debido a que técnicamente no había sido presidente electo. -
Precidencia Interina Porfirio Díaz
Inicio del Porfiriato -
Plan de Tuxtepec
Lanza el plan con el objetivo de quitar a Lerdo del poder -
Paz Porfiriana
Progreso mediante régimen dictatorial
buenas relaciones con otros paises
Estabilidad- Nohubo levantamientos
Boom Industrial- Ferrocarril = Capital extranjero
Importancia de la Ruta de Tehuantepéc antes del canal de Panamá- Rutas de mala calidad y efecto en la vida rural -
Italian Imperialism
Berlin Conference
Panama Canal
Building of the Panama Canal by the USA -
Ruso-Japanese War
Fight for Korean Peninsula and Manchuria