Society and Education Timeline (1896-1916)

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    Gilded Age

    The Gilded age was a period of time where the rich and corrupt became more rich and corrupt, while the poor sunk deeper into poverty and faced absurd working conditions in factories and awful home conditions.
  • Separate but Equal bill passed.

    Separate but Equal bill passed.
    The separate but equal bill, often labeled Plessy v. Ferguson was passed. this bill is responsible for the legality of segregation of colored people from white people, the argument for this is that whites and people of color would be giving separate accommodations of equal quality, which just wasn't true.
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    Progressive Era

    The progressive era was a time in american history after the gilded age, where the common people revolted against corruption, corporate monopoly, exploitation of textile workers, and economic separation
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    Spanish-American War

    The war between Spain and The United States due to the explosion of the USS Maine. This would later cause American intervention in the Cuban War of Independence
  • Cutis Act of 1898

    Cutis Act of 1898
    To quote the Oklahoma Historical Society, this act helped to "weaken and dissolve Indian Territory tribal governments by abolishing tribal courts and subjecting all persons in the territory to federal law."
  • Association of American Universities

     Association of American Universities
    The Association of American Universities was founded to help american universities become as prestigious as their european counterparts
  • Theodore Roosevet becomes president

    Theodore Roosevet becomes president
    The 26th president of the United States, known for negotiating the coal strikes of 1902, and his successful efforts to broker the Russo-Japanese War
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    Coal Strikes of 1902

    Coal miners strike due to representatives of the railroad companies that owned the mine where most coal was mined refused to meet the representatives of the coal miners union
  • Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

    Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
    The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is founded with the goal to help every student live a fulfilling,dignified, and healthy life
  • Federal Meat Inspection Act

    Federal Meat Inspection Act
    The Federal Meat Inspection makes it illegal to sell adulterated or misbrand meat products advertised as food. It also insures that animals are lsaughtered and processed uder strict conditions
  • William Howard Taft Elected as President

    William Howard Taft Elected as President
    William Howard Taft was elected as the 27th president of The United States. Taft was known for being the only president to be president AND chief of justice of America
  • First middle school opens in Columbus, Ohio

    First middle school opens in Columbus, Ohio
    Indianola Junior High School opens in Columbus, Ohio
  • Boy Scouts of America

    Boy Scouts of America
    The Boy Scouts of America are founded to teach young boys essential life skills.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    This factory fire was a turning point in american history, exposing the corruption of factories as during the fire, the workers (mainly women) could not escape the factory as all the doors were locked by the owners who didnt want their workers to leave freely. this event caused many public work reforms
  • Woodrow Wilson elected as president

    Woodrow Wilson elected as president
    Woodrow Wilson was elected as the 28th president of The United States. He was known for leading the nation into WW1 in 1917