

  • 200

    Mesoamerica- The Mayas

    Mesoamerica- The Mayas
    1. Permanent villages began to appear during the third century BCE
    2. 300-900BCE built more then 80 large ceremonial centers 3.Organized themselves by city-kingdom
    3. Had bloodletting rituals to please the gods
    4. played ball game with the Olmecs
  • 500

    Mesoamerica- Teoihuacan

    Mesoamerica- Teoihuacan
    1. It was a large agricultural vilage by 500BCE
    2. 100CE built the most 2 prominent pyramids, the moon and the sun
    3. Played the ball game, used the olmec calender and expanded in the olmecs graphic symbols
    4. until 500CE there was little sign of military organization
  • Jan 1, 1000

    South Asia- Aryans

    South Asia- Aryans
    1. Migrated during the second millennium BCE 2.Had a sacred language called Sanskrit
    2. Praised the Vedas which were a collection of hymns, songs, praises and rituals.
    3. used the caste system
  • Jan 1, 1122

    East Asia- Zhou Dynasty

    East Asia- Zhou Dynasty
    1. The Zhou Dynasty took over the Shang dynasty sometime in 1122BCE.
    2. This Dynasty had a decentralized political system. They trusted authority and power to the subordinates who in return swore allegience to the crown.
    3. They used the mandate of heaven where the ruler was known as the son of heavens 4.The year the Zhou Dynasty ended to one of its suborinates Qin in 256BCE.
  • East Asia- Shang Dynasty

    East Asia- Shang Dynasty
    1.The Shang Dynasty took over the Xia Dynasty sometime in 1766 BCE.

    2.The capitol was said to have moved 6 times with one of its captials being at Ao. Which were for political and military reasons. 1200 BCE bronze tools and weapons reached china where there monopolized the production of bronze in the Yellow River Valley.

    4.In 1122BCE the Shang Dynasty was taken over by the Zhou Dynasty.
  • Mesopatomia-Assyrians

    1. Built a compact state in the Tigris River valley during the 19th century BCE
    2. 1300 BCE extended there authority to Southwest Asia
    3. followed laws like the code of Hammurabi
  • East Asia-Xia Dynasty

    East Asia-Xia Dynasty
    1.Came into existence around 2200 BCE.

    2.The capital of this Dynasty was Erlitou which included large palace type structures 2200BCE.

    3.When the Xia Dynasty was taken over by the Shang Dynasty in 1766 BCE.
  • Mesopotamia-Phoenicians

    1.Built their fist settlements around 3000 BCE.

    2.2500 BCE The Phoenicians turn increasingly to industry and trade.

    3.1500 BCE The Phoeicians have devised an alphabetic script consisting of 22 symbols representing consonants. Mesopotamia
  • South Asia- Harappan Society

    South Asia- Harappan Society
    1.2500BCE earliest acessible remains date
    2. impossible to follow development because of the silt deposits and they dont have many written records
    3.Were economic and political centers of there own religions
    4.Had 2 major cities- Harappa and Mohenjo-daro
  • Mesoamerica- Olmecs

    Mesoamerica- Olmecs
    1. 3000BCE When agriculture villages first start to appear
    2. They domesticated turkeys and small dogs
    3. There first Olmec ceremonial center arose around 1200BCE
    4. San Lorenzo was there capitol for 400 years
  • Africa- Egyptians

    Africa- Egyptians
    1. 5000BCE egyptians relied heavily on agriculture and the earliest states were small kingdoms
    2. 3100 BCE Menes conquered and unifed Egypt 3.Patriarchal societies that vested authority over public
    3. recongized the pharaoh as a supreme central ruler
  • Africa- Nubians

    Africa- Nubians
    1. Nubians relied heavily on argiculture by 5000BCE 2.Nubia had a large scale production in iron
    2. Patriarchal sociey with one supreme ruler, the pharaoah
  • Mesopotamia- Sumerians

    Mesopotamia- Sumerians
    1. 6000 BCE Small scale irragration began and people started migrated to Sumer and were being called Sumerians
    2. 3000 BCE the population of sumerians reached one hundred thousand
    3. 4000BCE sumerians built that worlds first city 4.2900BCE Sumerians developed a system of writing that used graphic symbols to represent sounds and ideas