Socials Unit 3 Major Assignment

  • The Settlement of The Europeans

    The Settlement of The Europeans
    In the 17-1800s, the British and French began to settle in the area that would soon become Canada. The injustices started immediately when the Europeans enslaved the Indigenous people and took over/conquered their land.
  • Chinese Canadian Discrimination

    Chinese Canadian Discrimination
    From the 1850s-1950s (after the completion of the railway) Chinese Canadians were treated awfully and alienated by the white Canadians. There were even discriminatory laws in place such as the inability to vote, serve on juries and then head tax.
  • Residential Schools

    Residential Schools
    From the 1870s all the way until the 1990s, residential schools were a dark chapter in Canada's history. The attempt to "kill the Indian in the child" and the treatment of the First Nations children at the schools is an appalling event in Canada's history.
  • Komagata Maru

    Komagata Maru
    This awful event highlighted the flaws in the Canadian immigration system and was a huge violation of human rights and a terrible act of violence against the people of India and Asia aboard the ship.
  • MS St. Louis

    MS St. Louis
    The denial of jewish refugees to land in our country was a cruel action that our country committed against those that really needed the help of our country at the time.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbour, the Japanese Canadians were stripped of their rights, property and taken to internment camps. Not a single one of these people had been charged with any crimes against Canada and the camps were racist and cruel actions against Canadian citizens.
  • Japanese Internment Camp Apology

    Japanese Internment Camp Apology
    Prime Minister Brian Mulroney gave a long overdue apology to those who experienced/were effected by the Japanese camps.
  • Residential Schools Apology

    Residential Schools Apology
    Prime Minister Stephen Harper made an official apology to the survivors and their families of the schools. There was compensations made to former students around the same time.
  • Komagata Maru and MS St. Louis Apologies

    Komagata Maru and MS St. Louis Apologies
    In 2016 and 2018, Justin Trudeau made formal apologies for both the Komagata Maru (May 18, 2016) and the MS St. Louis (November 8, 2018) incidents.