Jan 1, 1473
Settlement of North America
People believe that the first settlers were asians that came on a land bridge that is now gone. Later, Christopher Columbus discovered North America in 1492. John Cabot though, discovered Canada in 1497. Spain, Britian, and France later came and started colonizing. -
Jan 1, 1492
Relationship between Europeans and Aboriginals
When Columbus first found the Americas in 1492, he didn't know what he discovered. Was it a new world? Was it inhabited? What he didn't know was that were millions, and millions of people that were living there. When Columbus first arrived he met the Lucayan, Taino, and Arawak -
Jan 1, 1500
Daily life of Aboriginals
There were multiple groups of Aboriginals in Canada, not just one. All of them hunted and gathered plants, meat , and fish. The most commonly fished fish was the salmon. The main animal they hunted was the buffalo as it provided lots of meat. Msot of the aboriginals lives in Tipis. There main mode of transportation are canoes as they had the right trees to build them. What they mostly wore were tunics, leggings, and moccasins. All the aboriginals believed that everyone should live in peace. -
Jun 1, 1500
Aboriginal Weapons
The main weapons that aborinals used when hunting and in combat were the spear and the bow and arrow. The spear was invented around 250000 years ago! The bow and arrow about 64000 years ago. The spear was a prime weapon in hunting as it wasnt bulky which made it easy to carry and was very effective. Soon after though the aboriginals started using bows and arrows because arrows were lighter then spears and the arrows were more accurate and would go farther. -
English Revolution
The english revolution took place between 1688 to 1689. The people did not like their king, King James the 2nd so they tried to change their king. The ivnvited William of Orange to take over. -
English Revolution: The End
At the end of this revolution, England and Scotland were the only parliments to have a monarchy. This made it good for the people of england and france because they had a new king that was better then james. -
English Revolution: William Of Orange
A group of people met up and decided to make William of Orange the king of England and Scotland. They sent him a letter asking him if he wanted to be king. He accepted the position and came with his wife, Queen Mary. -
English Revolution: Fleeing
King James and his supporters fled to France. The reason they fled was because William of Orange arrived. When they arrived, James was scared of his people because they could rebell against him and kill him so when William arrived he fled England as fast as possible. -
English Revolution: Bill Of Rights
Parliment found out that James left the trrone and that William was king. In 1698, William and Mary signed the Bill of Rights. This made it that for the first time, Parliment had a monarch -
English Revolution: King James the II
The reason why people didn't like King James the II was because he did'nt let his people practice their own religion. James left England out of fear and he fled to France. He fled out of fear. -
Impealism is basically agressive empire building. The main countrys that used Imperalism were England and France, They needed to expand so they took over other countrys. -
Impearilism: Reason
The reason why Impearilism was so popular was because big countrys that had millions and millions of people could expand to other countrys in order to keep the population undercontrol. Imperalism is like a hungry octopus, it likes to grab as much as possible. -
French Revolution: Death of the Sun King
Louis XIV died on September 1, 1715 due to gangrene which is a disease caused by a insufficient blood supply. After Louis XIV died, his great grandson, Louis XV took his place. People think this might of made things better but it didn't. -
Colonialism is when a nation goes to another nation and kills all the leaders and commanders, but let the people live and they basically make the people recognize them as their new leader. -
Colonialism: Reason
The reason why Colonialism was so popular was because countrys were yearning leadership and to be in charge of another country. The people that were being affected tho didn't like it of course because the people that attacked them could do anything they please to them. -
Setllement of North America: Reason
The reason why they settled is because of over population. France, England and a bunch of other counrties were growing and they had no where to expand so they tried to find new land. They succeeded and found North America! -
Settlement of North America: Effect
The effect of the settlement of North America made it so that we have North America today. If no one went and found North America, we might have not have found it maybe even to this day, but thanks to a few people millions and millions of people are lucky to call this place home. -
American Revolution: Boston Massacre
The boston massacre was an incident between british troops and colonists. 9 British soldiers opened fire on the colonists which killed 5 of them and wounded another 6. The cause of this incident was because a British Private Hugh White and a couple of colonists and this argument escalated and it caused the British soldiers to open fire on the colonists. -
American Revolution: Boston Tea Party
The boston tea party was an incident that occured at the boston harbour. A man named Samuel Adams boarded a few ships with the Sons Of Libertey. They boarded the ships and tossed over 300 crates of tea in the boston harbour while people watched. This was because the British Empire passed a act called the "Tea Act" and they gave the east of British India the monoply of teas for tea sale in the colonies. -
American Revolution: The cause
The cause of the american revolution was because the people in the 13 colonies did not like the actions that the British empire were making. The British empire were making descions for who the colonies could trade with and the colonies did not like this idea. The british empire also started the stamp act which means that they had to buy stamps for legal papers, newspapers and other things. The colonists did not agree. -
American Revolution
The American revoltuion began in 1775 and was a battle between Great Britain and the 13 original british colonies in America. The revolution lasted for 8 years. George washington led the americans and Sir William Howe led the British. -
American Revolution: The End
The end of the American revolution took place in Yorktown, Virgina. The French and American Artillerey was too much for the British and they finnaly surrendered. The British Empire finnaly surrendered by sending a drummer with an officer holding a white hankerchief to the French and American. They later signed the paper that they surrendred. -
French Revolution
The French Revolution took place between 1789 and 1799 and basically ended the reign of Monarchy. Ordinary people who were tired of being treated less nicer then nobles and monarchs. The lower people wanted more power. -
French Revolution: The Sun King
Louis XIV played a big role in the revolution as he was the one that put France at the brink of Economic Collapse. He spent countless amounts of money on extravagant things thats why he was known as the extravagant sun king. He spent a huge amount of money on the building of versailles. He made the people angry as we was spending money on things that didn't benifit the country. -
French Revolution: Fall of the Bastille
On July 14 1789, a group of angry people came to the Bastille and attacked it. The Bastille was a Political prison housing political prisoners. They succeeded and the French army gave up. The French attackers released all of the prisoners. -
French Revolution: Womens March
Crowds of Persian women marched to Versailles to meet the king and queen. The national guard followed close behind the women. The women then attacked the palace and also attacked the national guard and they also forced the king and the queen back to Paris. -
French Revolution: The End
In 1799, the French Revolution ended. This put an end to Monarchy, and a Democracy was put in place. Louis XVI, another famous rules was excuted on the famous guillotine due to multiple suspicions, while Marie Antoinette, his wife was excuted days later. This made France a democracy and everyone equal.