
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Estates General Meeting

    Estates General Meeting
    King Loui decided to create the Estates General assembly in which members representing the three states went to disscuss the french peoples troubles. The original purpuse was to have a better tax system. People were not conformed with the amount of tax payed in each estate.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The members of the national assembly took oath to stick together until a new constitution is writen in France and the monarcy is abolished.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The people in revolt against the government stormed the bastille. A famous jail that showed teh power of the monarchy was attacked in look of weapons.
  • Bread Riots in France

    Bread Riots in France
    People were starving in the streets because due to high tax they could not afford food. The king however had no money to provide food.
  • Legislative assembly declares War

    Legislative assembly declares War
    The legislative assembly declared war against the monarchy and teh nobles with the monarchy
  • Invasion of the Touilleries

    Invasion of the Touilleries
    20,000 men invaded the castle where the royal family resided. King Louis and Marie Antonnete and tehir kids are takin to prision
  • King Louie Executed

    King Louie Executed
    King Louie is executed to the delight of the crowd in the guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The reign of terror in France begins. The revolutionizers start fighting over the top government positions.
  • End of the Reign of Terror

    End of the Reign of Terror
    Napoleon Bonapart takes Rule of France.
  • Abolishment of the monarchy

    Abolishment of the monarchy
    The french revolutionizers finnaly over through King Louis monarchy over France.