Colonial Period - Elizabethan Poor Laws
1801-1860 - Pre-Civil War Period - Residential Institutions
Gallaudet University for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - first free U.S. school for the deaf founded in Hartford, CT -
1861-1874 - Civil War/Post-War Period - First Federal Intervention
Civil War Pension Program passed to provide aid to Civil War veterans and their families -
1875-1925 - Progressive Era - Birth of Social Work Profession
President Theodore Roosevelt called social workers and child welfare workers to Washington to participate in first White House Conference on Dependent Children -
1926-1940 - Great Depression / New Deal - Social Insurance and Public Assistance
National Labor Relations Act was passed giving workers the right to bargain and to legally join unions -
1940-1959 - World War II and after - GI Bill
National Mental Health Act passed; National School Lunch Program passed -
1960-1975 - Social Reform Period - War on Poverty
Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 was the country’s first major job training program