social work

  • 1750 BCE

    Early Welfare 1750 B.C

    Babylonian ruler had a protection code for women and children. Gave to the need and disabled.
  • 1500

    English Poor Laws

    Social welfare needs of towns people were by service, craft, or merchant guilds. The guilds often helped feed the needy, help with lodging and medical care.
  • Civil War Era 1840's-1860's

    Dorothea Dix fought for the mentally ill. Us Sanitary commission 1861 was a public health group who helped with preventative health education. The Freesman's Bureau helped with temporary relief during the war and after.
  • Progressive Movement 1900's to WWI

    Government was responsible for protecting the public especially those vulnerable. They also helped protect the rights of working women and how many hours they had to work a week.1920's women had the right to vote.
  • Great Depression and Modern Welfare

    In 1932 the government helped the unemployed with assistance. The banks were insured with FDIC so people's money was safe. The Federal Emergency Relief helped local communities and states. The fair labor standards act came in effect for minimum wages.
  • Post World War II

    The civil rights act outlawed discrimination against all, the food stamp program was established. Medicare and Medicaid was health care coverage for senior citizens.