Cristian palmer xexawgzyobc unsplash

Social studies thing

  • 3200 BCE

    We decided to travel the ocean.

    The Egyptians have discovered many things, so it's no surprise that they are the first ocean explorers. Being beside the Nile for so long, the Egyptians decided to attempt exploring it for themselves. In 3,200 BC, the first records of boats and ocean traveling hieroglyphics where used.
  • 2750 BCE

    The first (Recorded) ships were built

    The first (Recorded) ships were built
    This is the first real concrete evidence of ocean travel.
    in ancient Egypt.
    Many people saw the Nile and ocean as a gift from the gods, the gift of travel and sustainability. (,Peninsula%20and%20the%20Red%20Sea.)
  • Period: 2750 BCE to

    We continued exporing

    From shrimp to sharks, humans have always been facinated by the ocean depths.
    There's a lot to cover here, so I'm going to skip forward a bit-though I'm sure I could write a novel on the history of sharks and whales alone.
    We continued sailing and learning until we had a brilliant Idea:
    Why don't we go down there ourselves?
  • Period: 1500 to

    We tried (And failed) To make a successful submarine

    After boats were created, many people wanted to further explore what was down there. After all, the majority of the earth is just water-yet we've seen only a mere glimpse into what it holds.
    Naturally, we can't breathe underwater (I hope you know this by now) So we in order to stay down there and see things, we'd have to build a boat with a top. A submarine.
    It took us a long time to perfect the submarines, for a long time they only worked for a few hours before collapsing from water pressure
  • Succes!

    After many many attempts, the first true submarine was created. Many design tweaks and changes led to what history will forever know as the first submarine.
    In 1901, Germany completed one of their first submrines, and was successful. It was 139 feet long, armed with one torpedo tube, and ran on both oil and electricity.
  • Period: to

    Still exploring...

    From 1901, till even up until right now, we discovered more about ocean life everyday. we found new species, territories and a few horrifying discoveries (Such as sharks are basically dinosaurs)
  • We went diving for the first of many times.

    We went diving for the first of many times.
    In 1930, William Beebe and Otis Barton were the first humans to ever dive into the ocean. They reached a depth of 435 meters (1,425 feet) and discovered many jellyfish and various shrimp.
  • Nasa explores the ocean

    Nasa explores the ocean
    In 1958, Nasa started to explore the ocean. No one really knows why Nasa switched to space exploration, considering the 2 places are pretty much opposite to each other, and we've never got a straight answer.
    Nasa claimed at the time, that exploring the ocean would be too hard, and some places of the deep sea were simply inaccessible. But later, they'd be proved wrong.
  • We explored the Mariana trench

    We explored the Mariana trench
    about 9 years before the moon landing, humans went where they'd never been before.
    Two men, Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh, went on board submarine Trieste, to explore the Mariana trench.
    They found many new animals, species, and even managed to reach the ocean floor. Part of it, anyways.
  • Nasa explores space?

    Nasa explores space?
    Some claim that Nasa found something down in the ocean depth so horrifying, that they're desperate to get us off this planet.
    Others agree with NASA, saying it was simply too hard.
    I feel if there were something that awful down there, we would have found it by now, or at least seen it again.
    Still, it's weird that they'd give up so quickly.
    Especially when they definitely worked very hard to get a rocket to the moon.
  • Shark Fossils discovered

    Shark Fossils discovered
    Not that long ago, we found evidence of shark fossils. Now, by this point we've know sharks existed for a looooooong time. But we still didn't know how old they were. Turns out, Sharks have been alive for over 450,000,000 years!
    Just to give you an idea of how old that is, humans have only been alive for about 200,000 years. Sharks pretty much qualify as dinosaurs.
  • Period: to

    Still exploring!

    We've only discovered a sliver of what the ocean has to offer,
    Who knows what we'll find!
    That's it. That's all I got.
    Hope you enjoyed because I threw this together in 1 hour and don't care about typos