Social Studies Resources Inventory
Audit of social studies resources and other instructional materials begins at all elementary schools. Findings indicate there other than traditional textbooks adopted in 2000, teachers are using instructional resources published as ealry as 1968 to teach social studies in the elementary classroom. Some elementary classrooms had no record of any social studies materials in their classrooms, while other classrooms had a plethora of resources purchased by individual teachers. -
Elementary Teacher Survey Begins
An in detail survey is distributed to elementary teachers regarding elementary social studies. The survey with an 80% response rate indicates that elementary teachers are in need of new resources and professional development to support social studies pedagogy and instruction. -
High School Department Chair Meeting
Social Studies teachers in Grade 12 Civics voice strong concern of curriculum and resources not taken seriously since the late 1980's. Textbook was adoptes in 1998 without any input or say and was published by a professor at SU. Teachers call for pilot of TCI and McGraw Hill resources in the Fall of 2012. -
Pilot Planning Meetings
Social Studies Supervisor meets with numerous school building leaders at the elementary level and Chrif Academic Officer to discuss piloting of resources in certain schools. Schools who decide to participate in the pilot in the Fall of 2012 include Webster, Salem Hyde, Bellevue, Dr. Weeks, LeMoyne, McKinley Brighton and Ed Smith schools. Teachers who volunteer to take part in pilot and supervisor create and establish parameters and an evaluation rubric for piloting of resources. -
4th & 5th Grade Teacher Meeting
Meeting takes place to examine current curriculum and future NYS frameworks aligned to Common Core to determine which materials will be piloted in schools. -
Supervisor Meeting with Publishing Companies
Supervisor meets with McGraw Hill, Holt Harcourt, NYSTROM, and Teacher Created Materials to discuss pilot and parameters wit proposed timeline. All participants are assigned particular teachers to work with in piloting resources that each teacher will evaluate with rubric. -
Elementary Pilot Begins
Elementary Pilot Begins at all schools participating. Frequent visits throughout October and November take place by supervisor and publishing companies to examine how pilot is going. -
First Teacher Evaluation Meeting
First district wide meeting is held to evaluate resources used thus far. In addition, teachers examine the draft framework for K-8 social studies to see if any changes had been made to content of curriculum. Teachers and supervisor find that 4th grade is more research based and the fifth grade curriculum framework focuses more on Modern American history. Teachers find that resources used have missing gaps and do not address all their needs. -
Middle School Meeting at Clary Middle School
Middle School teachers gather at Clary to discuss the piloting resources online of Teacher Curriculum Institute History Alive program. 4th Grade Teachers also decide to add TCI Social Studies Alive to their Pilot Program. -
Grade 12 Meeting
Grade 12 teachers who are piloting resources overwhllmingly express support for the TCI approach in Civics. -
Second Evaluation of Pilot Resources
Teachers complete second evaluation of resources. Findings indicate that in early elementary grades, a hands on approach to social studies is needed and is not found in resources. Teachers request to pilot TCI in K-3 in the Fall of 2013. Grade 4,7 and 8 teachers overwhlmingly support TCI approach. Grade 5 teachers support Holt/Hartcourt materials for their curriculum and Common Core alignment. -
Supervisor/CAO Meeting
Supervisor of social studies and CAO meet to discuss findings of pilot. Proposal is given to CAO on ordering resources from TCI and Holt for grades 4,5,7,8 and 12.