Social Studies Portfolio

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas
    Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic ocean from Spain. He had three ships, Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. He was on a journey to find a easier route to India and instead found the americas.
  • 1512

    Spanish take the first African slaves to Hispaniola

    The enslavment of the africans was an important part the colonial economy
  • 1519

    Cortez arrives in Tenochtitlan

    Cortez arrives in Tenochtitlan
    Hernan Cortez was a Spanish explorer in conquistador. Who traveled over 100 miles to find the capital city, Tenochtitlan and claim the Aztec empire for Spain.
  • 1521

    Cortés defeats the Aztecs

    Cortés made allies to help him defeat the Aztecs, like La Malinche and Tlaxcalans. When he got to Tenochtitlan he acted friendly until he took the emperor, Moctezuma II prisoner.
  • 1535

    Bartolome de las Casas argues against enslavement of Native Americans

    Bartolome de las Casas argues against enslavement of Native Americans
    Bartolome de las Casas was a priest who preached against the enslavement of native people. He thought the Spanish should work for their own wealth and now force other people to work for them.
  • 1535

    Pizarro founds a new capital in Lima, Peru, after defeating the Incas

    As a result the colony of New Spain was founded.
  • John White returns to the Roanoke settlement to find the colony has disappeared

    John White returns to the Roanoke settlement to find the colony has disappeared
    Roanoke colony was the first English settlement in the new world, it was founded by Sir Water Raleigh. John White returned to england to accuire supplies for the settlemnt, by the time he returned in 1590 everything in the colony had dissapeared.
  • The English found Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first successful permanent English settlement. The settlement was built on a disease ridden bug infeasted swampy island with no source of fresh water.
  • Champlain founds Quebec

    Champlain founds Quebec
    Champlain came to Canada to establish a fur trading post. He chose a site along the saint Lawrence river and called it Quebec. It was the first permantant settleent in new france.
  • House of Burgesses formed

    After his arrival in Jamestown in 1619, Governor George Yeardley established a legislative assembly called the House of Burgesses.This was the first law making assembly in the English colonies.
  • The Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth

    The Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth
    Plymouth was the first settlement in New England. Many of the pilgrims died from starvation, dehydration, and disease. They met the Wampanoag Indians who taught them how to grow corn and build houses.
  • Mathias de Sousa, an indentured servant of African descent, arrives in Maryland aboard the Ark.

    Mathias de Sousa was one of the nine indentured servants brought to Maryland by Jesuit missionaries. He was the first African American man to sit in a Legislative Assembly.
  • William Penn establishes Pennsylvania

    William Penn establishes Pennsylvania
    King Charles II gave the land for the Pennsylvania colony to Willaim Penn as payment for a debt the crown owed his family. He built the colony on Quaker beliefs.
  • Georgia, the 13th English colony, is founded

    James Oglethorpe founded Georgia the 13th English colony. He founded it for people who were poor.