Period: 5000 BCE to 3500 BCE
Mesopotamia Civilization
The land between the Persian Gulf and the Asia Minor is Mesopotamia. (p.55) The large arc of rich, or fertile farmland is the Fertile Crescent. (p.55) Between the 4000 and the 3000 BC cities started to develop in Mesopotamia. (p.57) -
Period: 4500 BCE to 400 BCE
The Ancient Egypt
The Nile is the longest river in the world it begins in the central Africa and runs 4,000 mile north to the Mediterranean sea. Hunter groups move to the Nile Valley more then 12,000 years ago. Farmers in Egypt developed an irrigation system. The first Pharaoh of Egypt was Menes, he also founded the first Dynasty. Menes build a new capital city at the southern tip of the Nile Delta. The first dynasty lasted for about 200 years. The dynasty consisted with Old kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom -
Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE
The Sumer were farmers that lived in rural areas, or country sides. The people of Sumerians lived in the urban, or city. -
Period: 2700 BCE to 1050 BCE
The old Kingdom to the New Kingdom
The time of the old Kingdom was ruled by the Pharaohs, they believed that the Pharaoh was the king and a God. Khufu was the most famous Pharaoh, he was known to be cruel. At the end of the Old Kingdom the power of the Pharaoh's declined. In 2200 BC the Old Kingdom had fallen. Mentuhotep began the Middle Kingdom in 1750 BC. The New Kingdom started in 1550. Their conquest and trade brought tremendous wealth to the pharaohs. -
Period: 2300 BCE to 500 BCE
Indus river civilizations
Harrapan Civilization were the first ones to live by the Indus river. Not long after they crumbled the Aryan's arrived to the Indus river. -
Period: 2017 BCE to 2017 BCE
Kush and Egypt were neighbors, sometimes they live in peace by helping each other prosper. They're relationship was never that good but however Kush grew wealthy from trade, they're army grew stronger too. Egypt King was to scared that when the Kush gets to powerful they would have to fight them in a war. So they decided to make Kush a part of Egypt, they lasted for 450 years when the Kushiet king died his son took over and finished what he had started by concurring from Napata to Nile Delta. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 70 BCE
Judaism celebrations
They had many celebrations for important days. They had Hanukkah that honors the re dedication of the second temple.. Passover was the time for Jews to remember the Exodus. High Holy days were the most sacred days of the Jewish holidays. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE
Greek Mythology and Literature
They believed that in many gods and that they all have a myth to explain how the world works. They had a back story to all myth and the back stories are usually the thing that backs up the myth. They're language Greek is often used in our language English. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE
The Greeks live surrounded by water and hey lived on rocky mountains. Because there were many mountains in Greece and not much flat land, the flat lands were mostly just for farmlands. They trade mostly by using boats and they became skilled ship builders. Since trading was a good thing in Greece trading cultures started to develop and two of the earliest were the Minoans and the Mycenaens. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 70 BCE
The Hebrews were the ancestors of Israelite and Jews. The Hebrew bible showed traces of Hebrews back to a guy by the name of Abraham. He left Mesopotamia and settled in Canaan. Mosses appeared among the Israelite. Mosses lead his people on a journey called Exodus. They had to all follow the 10 commandments. -
Period: 1600 BCE to
Huang He + Chang Jiang
Huang He also know as Yellow River stretches about 3,000 miles across northern china. This rive often floods and can actually and have actually caused many death and destructed many houses surrounding it. The Chang Jiang is the river that cuts through china that flows from Tibet to the pacific ocean. -
Period: 1550 BCE to 300 BCE
The Phoenicians
The western end of the Fertile Crescent along the Mediterranean Sea , a land known as Phoenicia. they didn't have great military power but they had wealthy trading society. the way they could trade was to use the sea because they had trees blocking them from trading. they were the one to build the world finest harbor at the city of Tyre. Traders traveled to Egypt, Greece, Italy, Sicily, and Spain. -
Period: 1200 BCE to 612 BCE
The Assyrians
Assyrians from the northern Mesopotamia briefly gain control of Babylon. But not long after that someone took it over. The Assyrians took about 300 years to recover their strength. In 900 BC they conquered all of the Fertile Crescent and the key to success is a strong army. (p.74-75) -
Period: 1100 BCE to 220 BCE
China Dynasties
There were the Zhou Dynasty were Confucianism, Dadaism, And Legalism was created. There were the Qin Dynasty, they were the ones who build the Great Wall of China. The Han Dynasty were the ones who invented the sundials, the seismograph, and acupuncture. -
Period: 1000 BCE to
The Phonetical Alphabet
The Phoenicians developed the world's first alphabets. they developed this to make writing a lot easier. -
Period: 626 BCE to 539 BCE
The Chaldeans
Nebuchadnezzar the most famous Chaldean King rebuild Babylon into a beautiful city.According to legend, his grand palace is famous for its grand palace featured the famous Hanging Gardens.The Chaldeans admired the Sumerian culture so they learned their language and build temples for Sumerian Gods -
Period: 550 BCE to 465 BCE
Cyrus was the founder of the Persia empire. His son took over his throne after he died and continued to expand the Persian Empire. He died in the rebellion and they were left with no clear leader but 4 years later they had a young prince Darius I who took over the the throne. 10 years after the battle of Marathon, Dariu's son Xerxes I tried to concur Greece again. -
Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE
Athens were the biggest rival of the Spartans. Boys from rich families worked on improving their bodies and minds, their training weren't as harsh as the Spartans. If the child was at the age of a learning stage they had to learn how to read and write. Boys from very rich families had private tutors to continue their studies. Woman had different rights, they only could stay home if there is a specials occasion. -
Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE
Life of young children were dominated by the army. Unhealthy babies were taken out and would be left to die but the healthy one were trained from a early age to be soldiers. Woman's had more rights then Greek woman they had lands in Sparta and ran the households till their husband or family returns. -
Period: 527 BCE to
Origins of Buddhism
Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. He felt that something was missing and had gone on a journey all around india and that led him to find the true meaning of Buddhism. And he found out that by meditating you can actually find out more about what you don't know about yourself. -
Period: 320 BCE to 375 BCE
The Indian empires Chapter
There were the Mauryan, Asoka, and Gupta. Candragupta Mauryan ruled with a complex government that included a network of spies and a huge army of 600,000 soldiers. The Asoka was the Grandson of Candragupta and was a strong ruler. Candra Gupta II continued to grow the empire like how his ancestors did. All the Empires were passed down from generations to generations.