Proclomation of Nutrality
George Washington wanted to not be part of the war and didnt want to interfere with the French Revolution. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
John Adams made it very hard to become a citezen and also made it so there was less imigrants -
War of Tripolie
America got another treaty and our Navy grew in size along with the fact that the War of Tripolie broke out. -
The Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson bought land that doubled the size of the U.S. -
Battle of Tippecanoe
James Madison tryed to make it so men had to abandon there hunting to become a farmer. He also pushed the indians of there tribal land. -
The Monroe Doctrine
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All except Mexico gained independence from Europe and the Europeans could not manufacture anything in our hemisphere. -
Tarrif of Abomination
They raised the price and taxes on forien goods.Also the south payed more for manufactured goods. -
Indian Removal Act
They remover all the indians and the U.S. got more land