basics + political systemn
In the 1700s France was considered one of the most advanced countries in Europe due to its large trade, and population. Also on the 1700s the social and political system of France, the Old Regime, was still in place that was a system were Frances people were divided into three very large social classes. -
the privileged estates
About two of the socials classes had some very good privileges that included access to high offices and exemptions from paying taxes that were only granted for the two upper classes.
- the roman catholic church owned 10 percent of the land in France since its clergy formed the First Estate.
The second estate was made for the rich nobles since they were only 2 percent and owned 20 percent of the land they paid almost no taxes -
the third estate
About 97 percent of the people belonged to the Third estate that was separated into three groups.
- First group, the bourgeoisie or middle class. they often were bankers, factory owners, merchants, professionals, and skilled artisans. Although some of the middle-class people were as rich as the rich nobles they still had to pay more taxes like all of the middle class. -
forces of change
France was wanting to revolutionize due to new ideas in the government, serious economic problems, and weak indecisive leadership, that all were looking for a change. -
enlightenment ideas
Amoung the Third estate, new views about the power and authority in the government were given by new enlightenment ideas. Member of the third estate was inspired by the American revolution adn they began questioning everything about their society. Soon they started to demand equality, liberty, and democracy. -
there falling
During 1770 and 1780 fences government fell into a depth that part of the problem was because king Louis XVI and his queen were spending so much money. Although they had already received part of the depth form the king before they got to the point were bankers refused to lend them money. -
economic troubles
BY around 1780 Frances's economy was declined that caused alarm form mosty merchants, factory owners and bankers of the third estates. Although there economy was declined that they were safe since theyre production and trade were both expanding rapidly. -
If France would have a strong leader the problem would not get as big. Since Louis XVI wasn't as worried about his government and paid very little attention to government advisers and had very little patience for government details there were only more problems. Also with the queen, she was also adding much more problems to Louis -
the national assemby
The third estate delegates that were mostly members of the bourgeoise that had been shaped by the enlightenment that we're desperate to make changes in the government. -
soon to be battle
in Paris, roomers were spreading the Louis was trying to use military force to end the national assembly. Others went to Paris to massacer French citizens and people began to gather weapons in order to defend the city.