Lectures on female education -- Barton
Triplett -- First Experiment in Social Psychology
Edward Alsworth Ross - Social Psychology, An Outline and Source Book
Mcdougall -- An introduction to social psychology
Floyd H. Allport - First Social Psychology book
Klineberg -- The Problem of Personality
Fritz Heider - Attitudes and Cognitive Organization
Leon Festinger -- Cognitive Dissonance
Festinger, Schachter and BAck -- Proximity and Social Capital
Deviation, rejection, and communication -- Schachter
Muzafer SHarif -- Robber's Cave Study
Leon Festinger - Social Comparison Theory
Maslow's Humanistic Theory of Motivation
Studies of independence and conformity: A minority of one against a unanimous majority.
Leon Festinger - A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance
Leon Festinger -- Social Comparison and liking for similar others
Fritz Heider -- Balance Theory
Erving Goffman, The Drama Turgic Metaphor
The great impostor -- Crichton
The Norm of reciprocity: A preliminary statement -- Gouldner
Schachter & Singer -- Misattribution of Arousal
Stanley Milgram -- Obedience to Authority
William McGuire & the inoculation procedure
Verbal reinforcement of attitude -- Insko
Walster et al. -- Physical Attractiveness
Edward E. "Ned" Jones and Voctor Harris - Correspondence Bias
Walter Mischel - Personality and Assessment
Latane and Darley -- Smoke Filled Room Study
Herbert Blumer - Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method
Experimenting with Deindividuation -- Zimbardo
Philip Zimbardo -- Stanford Prison Experiment
Subjective Probability: A judgment of representativeness -- Kahnema & Tversky
The how and what of why: Some determinants and consequences of casual attribution -- McArthur
Self-monitoring of expressive behavior -- Snyder
Lee Ross, Fundamental Attribution Error
Snyder & Tanke -- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Guilty until proven innocent -- Connery
Drachman, DeCarufel and Insko -- Flattery
The facial-action coding system -- Ekman & Friesen
Andrew Baum & Glenn Davis - Reducing the stress of high-density living, Journal of Personality and Social Psycology.
Reducing the stress of high-density living: An architectural intervention -- Baum and Davis
Commitment in an experiment society -- Staw & Ross
Cialdini and Baumann -- Nonreactive Measurement
Impression management and the escalation of aggression and violence -- Felson
J. Deregewski - Expiscations in Cross-Cultural Psychology
Conformity as a function of the consistency of positive self-evaluation with being liked and being right -- Insko et al.
Petty and Cacioppo -- The effects of Personal Relevance
Dyads and Triads at 35,000 feet -- Foushee
Robert Rosenthal - Pygmalion in the classroom
Fishbein and Azjen -- Theory of planned Behavior
Naturalistic Observation, Studying flirtation gestures -- Monica Moore
Stenberg's Triangular Theory of Love
Attitude accessibility as a moderator of the attitude-perception and attitude-behavior relations -- Fazio & Williams
Decision making under stress: Scanning of alternatives under controllable and uncontrollable threats -- Keinan
Investigating the social-adjustive and value-expressive functions of attitude: Implications for persuasion processes -- DeBono
David Funder - Profiting from Controversy, Lessons from the person- situation debate
Animal Behavior: An evolutionary approach -- Alcock
Social Perception and Social Reality: A reflection-construction model -- Jussim
Ayres -- Direct vs. Subtle Discrimination
Brehm -- Physical Attractiveness
Excuses, excuses -- Bernstein
Stereotypes and mental life: The case of the motivational but thwarted tactician -- Pendry & Macrae
Victoria Meduec, Scot Modey and Thomas Gilovich - The thrill of bronze, the agony of silver
Elizabeth Loftus, Lost in the Mall
Uncertainty & the Desire for Accuracy -- Robert S. Baron, Joseph Vandello and Bethany Brunsman
The psychological consequences of fame: Three tests of the self-consciousness hypothesis
Chartrand and Bargh -- The Chameleon Effect
Anderson & Dill -- Violent Video Games
Prager -- Black and White Discrimination
A Primate's Memoir -- Sapolsky
Politics and basking-inreflected-glory -- Boen, Vanbeselaere, Pandelaere, Dewitte, Duriez Snauwaert et al.
Personal contact affects teen views of Muslims -- Gallup
Bartholow, Sestir & Davis -- Correlates and consequences of exposure to video game violence: Hostile personality, empathy, and aggressive behavior
Carl Dweck - Mindset
Mark Zanna and Susan Pack - Opinion Conformity as an ingratiation strategy