Social Media Timeline

  • MySpace was formed

  • Facebook is established

  • YouTube Launches

  • Twitter is created

  • Facebook became available to anyone 13 years or older

  • Tumblr comes out

  • Hastags were starting to be used on Twitter

  • Foursquare launches allowing people to check in from various locations

  • Instagram launches

  • Twitch is launched

  • Snapchat drops

  • Justin Timberlake purchases MySpace

  • Pintrest is made public

  • Vine launches

  • Snapchat filters are created

  • Tiktok is created

  • LinkedIn launches

  • Instagram stories is created

  • Facebook marketplace is created

  • Shutdown of vine occurs

  • Snapchat starts allowing you to share your location with others

  • Twitter doubles character limit

  • Facebook privacy data trial occured

  • Livestreaming on Tiktok is launched

  • Twitter is rebranded to X

  • Elon Musk becomes CEO of Twitter