Social Media

  • First Cross Continental Telephone Call Made

    First Cross Continental Telephone Call Made
  • First radios with tuners - different stations.

    First radios with tuners - different stations.
  • The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin - first television camera.

    The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin - first television camera.
  • NBC starts two radio networks. CBS founded.

    NBC starts two radio networks. CBS founded.
  • Radio popularity spreads with the "Golden Age" of radio. First television broadcasts in the United States.

    Radio popularity spreads with the "Golden Age" of radio. First television broadcasts in the United States.
  • Computers like Harvard's Mark I put into public service

    Computers like Harvard's Mark I put into public service
  • Computers are first sold commercially.

    Computers are first sold commercially.
  • Steve Jobs was Born

    Steve Jobs was Born
  • Period: to

    Steve Jobs Life

  • Chester Carlson invents the photocopier or Xerox machine

    Chester Carlson invents the photocopier or Xerox machine
  • Zip codes invented in the United States.

    Zip codes invented in the United States.
  • ARPANET - the first Internet started.

    ARPANET - the first Internet started.
  • E-Mail Created

    E-Mail Created
  • Apple I home computer invented.

    Apple I home computer invented.
  • First cellular phone communication network started in Japan

    First cellular phone communication network started in Japan
  • IBM PC first sold.First laptop computers sold to public.Computer mouse becomes regular part of computer.

    IBM PC first sold.First laptop computers sold to public.Computer mouse becomes regular part of computer.
  • First cellular phone network started in the United States.

    First cellular phone network started in the United States.
  • Apple Macintosh released.

    Apple Macintosh released.
  • CD-ROMs in computers.

    CD-ROMs in computers.
  • First Blackberry

    First Blackberry
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
  • Apple iPhone 4S

    Apple iPhone 4S