Social Institution

  • Travel Soccer

    Travel Soccer
    When I first started playing travel soccer.
    This is significant because I have been playing travel soccer ever since.
  • New School

    I switched from my old school and came to DSBN Academy in Grade 6
    I have met some good friends and I have definitely gotten a better education since being here.
  • Graduated Elementary School

    Graduated Elementary School
    I graduated from Grade 8.
    I completed Elementary school and am moving into Highschool
  • Highschool

    I started Grade 9
    I am starting a new chapter of my life and beginning to deepen my future career for post-secondary.
    I will learn good content and information needed to be successful.
  • First Job

    In the summer of Grade 9, I got my first job.
    I am currently still working at the same job and I have learned better social skills, determination and have gotten a strong work ethic.
  • Soccer

    2019/2020 will be my last year playing travel soccer before I go off to University and age out.
    This is a bittersweet moment but it is time to grow up, I will never forget the memories and skills learned during my 10-11 years playing travel soccer.
  • Graduation

    In June 2020, I will graduated Grade 12 at DSBN Academy.
    I learned everything I would need to know to go into post-secondary and I will never forget the friends, knowledge and skills learned from teachers and High School will be gladly missed as I grow up.
  • University

    I just finished my first 4 years of University
    I would have learned some valuable information that will help me in my future job.