Social Instituions

  • Period: to

    Port Burwell

    I lived in a small town where I knew everyone, this set a standard of having comfortable social norms with those in my community.
  • Birth

    I was born in St Thomas Hospital
  • Niagara Falls

    I moved to Niagara Falls when my parents seperated. This was a change of scenery since I was used to living in a small town. Living in a big city with lots of diverse people was a new norm I aquired. I learned the way dfferent people live and their beliefs by having friends with different ethnic backrounds.
  • Highschool

    I started highschool, it was a easy transition for meand didnt cause any role strain since i knew everyone because I attended the same school since grade 7.
  • Trip to Ottawa and Montreal

    In grade 8 my class went on a trip to Ottawa and Montreal this was signiffigant for me since I have never been to another province besides Ontario. It aslo gave me experience to attemp soeaking french to the locals who spoke with me.
  • Graduation and Prom

    For future events I am looking forward to is Grad and prom with my cohort. I am excited to be done with highshcool and see where I go in life.
  • College/ University

    My post secondary goals are undecided in where I want to go but I look forward to seeing how post secondary is different than highschool. I think Ill be more driven once I figure out the proffession I want to persue and am passionate about.
  • Travelling

    In the future I would like to be able to travell to gain experience of other peoples social norms, roles, and institutions. I find learning how other peoples way of life is very intersting and important to grow as an individual.