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Social 30 Timeline - Politics

  • 507 BCE

    Development of Democracy in Athens, Greece

    Development of Democracy in Athens, Greece
    Being the first known democracy in the world, Athenian government paved the way for future nations freedom to choose their leaders. Though it wasn't necessarily a perfect system at the time, it has always been the spark to ignite strong governments throughout history.
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus Dictatorship

    Augustus Dictatorship
    The Roman Senate votes Augustus in to take hold of extensive powers to end the Roman Republic.
  • Two Treatises of Government

    Two Treatises of Government
    Both Treatise are written by John Locke, outline classical liberal political ideologies. The First Treatise was written about his belief that every man has the right to govern himself according to God's law. The Second Treatise is Locke' proposed solution to the political upheaval in England and in other modern countries.
  • The Spirit of the Laws

    The Spirit of the Laws
    The Spirit of the Laws is a treatise written by Baron de Montesquieu on his moderate political theory. It explains the three branches of government used today.
  • A letter from Benjamin Franklin on Iroquois League

    A letter from Benjamin Franklin on Iroquois League
    Benjamin Franklin expresses his respect for the Native Americans ability to civilly unite in contrast to the British colonies being unable to agree.
  • The Declaration of Independence Adopted by Continental Congress

    The Declaration of Independence Adopted by Continental Congress
    Issuing the Declaration of Independence which described the thirteen colonies motivation to become an independent nation, american colonists form an alliance with France for assistance in the war against Great Britain.
  • Passage of the British North America Act

    Passage of the British North America Act
    The passage of the BNA act established the nation-state of Canada and distributed governing responsibilities and power at each level of government and throughout the newly established provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec.
  • US Electoral College System

    US Electoral College System
    The United States Electoral College is the mechanism established by the United States Constitution for the election of the president of the United States by appointed electors from each state.This allowed President George W. Bush to be elected without winning the majority of the votes due to an indirect election by the citizens.
  • Secret Ballots

    Secret Ballots
    Secret ballots allow citizens to vote anonymously and are important because it encourages the population to vote on their own views, unbiased by outsider influence. Various provinces used secret ballots in their elections of leaders throughout the 19th century, but they were not officially adopted in Canada until 1913
  • Death of Lenin Makes Way for Stalin Power

    Death of Lenin Makes Way for Stalin Power
    Vladimir Lenin's death opened a door for Josef Stalin to take power of the USSR in a ruthless dictatorship. This was the catalyst for death and destruction (Holodomor).
  • The Persons' Case - Movement

    The Persons' Case - Movement
    The Supreme Court of Canada previously ruled that women were not "persons" and the famous five (five womens' rights activists) appealed to the Privy Council of England which reversed the courts decision in 1929. The "Persons' Case" allowed women to participate in government and legally defined women as "persons", giving them rights that they were previously denied.
  • Hitler's Enabling Act

    Hitler's Enabling Act
    The Enabling Act amended the Weimar Constitution in order to give the German Cabinet (Chancellor Adolf Hitler) the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag. This gave Hitler the ability to turn the democratic Germany into a dictatorship.
  • First Nations People Granted Suffrage

    First Nations People Granted Suffrage
    The First Nations people of Canada are given the right to vote in 1960
  • Soweto Uprisings Against Apartheid in South Africa

    Soweto Uprisings Against Apartheid in South Africa
    The Majority Tyranny laws prevented Black Students from getting an education in their preferred language under the rules of Apartheid; during the uprisings, some of the students were killed.
  • The Reform Party of Canada

    The Reform Party of Canada
    Right-wing populist federal political party of Canada that existed from 1987-2000
  • Charlottetown Accord Referendum Failure

    Charlottetown Accord Referendum Failure
    The government of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney presented an amendment to the Canadian Constitution via referendum. The amendment was an attempt at incorporating Quebec to the Constitution and subsequently failed.
  • Bill C-16 (Fixed Date Elections)

    Bill C-16 (Fixed Date Elections)
    The Stephen Harper government passes a bill to amend the Canadian Elections Act in order to bring fixed date elections to the federal electoral system.
  • Cholera Scapegoating

    Cholera Scapegoating
    President Mugabe of Zimbabwe blames the outbreak of Cholera in his country on the UK. (Direction of popular discontent)