Soccer Career

  • Join Bengies

  • All star status

    When I made the All star game at bengies I knew that I could be able to play the sport successfully.
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    Playing for bengies

    This was my first time playing the game I was better than everyone else on the field at this time and it was easy to tell.
  • Joining Overlea

  • My friends

    So I've got a group of friends that consist of 5-6 guys and weve all known each other since we met playing for Darrel at overlie he fathered all of us and were still friends to this day I don't think we will not be friends anytime soon.
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    Enjoying Playing Under Darrel

    Darrel is my now friends Dad he taught me everything I needed to know at this time in my life and was like a second father for me.
  • Overlea Turns to MUFC

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    Still Under Darrel

    While Darrel was initially the coach here I started practicing under Neto a player for the blast.
  • Join Pipeline

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    Pipeline Under Joe

    I first started at Pipeline with a coach named Joe he was the best coach I've ever had and really pushed me to become a better player
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    Under Joe

    We never won anything under Joe but yet I still rank him as my best coach. I feel he gave me my flame and let me find what type of player I was
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    Pipeline Under Phil

    This is the point where my cousin nicks mom started to date Joe which made it so that he couldn't be my coach and Phil started. This was the start of all the bad stuff.
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    Under Phil

    We won more under Phil than I can even remember we were Number 6 in all of America at the time but yet I still hated it. We had been winning with the team that it felt like Joe and I created and my captainship was taking away from me under Phil so I felt disrespected.
  • Left Pipeline

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    Re attempt at soccer

    This was my last chance to try and keep playing but I just couldn't do it at the time.
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    The most depressed Ive been

    I was going from 8th then 9th and 10th not playing the sport I loved increasing in size and really hating myself. All I wanted to do was play the sport I loved
  • God Send

    I was asked to play soccer again not for anything serious but an old coach that used to be at Pipeline asked me to play again and increase my walk with God as he called it I didn't know at the time how much I needed him. So I played for the fellowship of christian athletes now being extremely overweight and having years of built up rust.
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    Since I joined the team I reimagined myself losing all of the weight and returning my body back to a better physical standard but I also reinstated the flame that was inside of me for the love of the sport. Dan miller the coach is a man I now give my full respect and he became like another father figure at a time when I needed it most I may have walked the wrong path without him who knows where I would be.