SMART Plan Timeline

  • Start Saving

    Start Saving
    S Preorder Battlefield 1.
    M Save $70.
    A I earn $10 a week plus $5 from any chores I do.
    R I don’t put any money into savings, so the money I earn will go straight to buying the game..
    T The game comes out October 21st, I have to preorder at least the day before, and I have about 50 days/7 weeks.
    Earn the $10 per week for six weeks, along with doing two chores.
  • Receive $10

    Receive $10
    On Thursdays I receive $10
  • Receive $5

    Receive $5
    Did a chore
  • Receive $5

    Receive $5
    Did a chore
  • Receive $10

    Receive $10
    On Thursdays I receive $10
  • Receive $10

    Receive $10
    On Thursdays I receive $10
  • Receive $10

    Receive $10
    On Thursdays I receive $10
  • Receive $10

    Receive $10
    On Thursdays I receive $10
  • Receive $10

    Receive $10
    On Thursdays I receive $10
  • Buy the game

    Buy the game