Smart goals timeline

By Ty_1399
  • I will finish grade 10

    I will finish grade 10
    I will obtain this goal by doing work and finishing every class without failing. This goal is realistic because it's not hard to finish grade 10 and I will reach this goal once school is over.
  • I will finish grade 11 with honours

    I will finish grade 11 with honours
    I will finish grade 11 with honours by doing all the homework, getting extra help, and paying attention. I can achieve this goal if I put the effort in, because when I don't slack off I get better grades. This goal will take 1 year to reach.
  • I will graduate highschool with honours

    I will graduate highschool with honours
    If I keep working hard, and going above and beyond I will be able to make this happen. Teachers have told me grade 11 is the hardest grade, if I get honours in grade 11, then I can get honours in grade 12. I will hopefully achieve this goal 2 years from now.
  • I will get into Mohawk college

    I will get into Mohawk college
    I will get into Mohawk college by getting honours in grade 12 and applying to Mohawk. I just have to get at least a 75% average to get in, and it's close to home. I am choosing Mohawk because it's free if I maintain a 75% average.
  • I want to maintain a 75% average in college/university

    I want to maintain a 75% average in college/university
    I can achieve this by showing up to every class, and trying my best in the work I do. If I try my best I think I can do better than a 75% average, so I think goal is realistic. In 4 years I aim to be in college or university.
  • Get married

    Get married
    I want to get married to my wife by the age of 25. This is possible if I find the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. This is a realistic goal because there's someone out there for everyone!
  • Get my dream job

    Get my dream job
    I want to get the job that I want, which is a physio therapist. After going to school for a few years to get the proper education I should be able to qualify for this work force. I hope to reach this goal by the age of 28.
  • become a father of 1 boy

    become a father of 1 boy
    I want to have 1 boy at the age of 30. After being with my wife for this long, I think after 5 years we will be ready for our first kid. This is attainable if we both feel ready. I Hope we raise the first child well enough to want another one in the future.
  • I want to have my second child

    I want to have my second child
    when I'm 35 I want to have a second child, preferably a boy but a girl is fine to. If the first child is raised well this should't be a challenge, even if the first child is a challenge, you learn from your mistakes. This is realistic because I want kids and If I have kids I will have more than 1
  • Own my own business

    Own my own business
    I would like to own my own physiotherapy business. After years of schooling and practice I want to start my own business, helping people and using my skills to the best of my ability. I will go to school to get a degree in business as well as school for becoming a physiotherapist. I wish to achieve this goal by the age of 40.
  • Take my family on vacation

    Take my family on vacation
    I want to take my family on a vacation when I turn 40. I would like to take them to Cuba. After working for a long time to provide for my family I am hoping to have saved up enough money to do this. This is achieveable if I have a well-paying career.
  • Be successful

    Be successful
    I want to be successful in my work area, I want to make the max amount of money by putting in a lot of hard work. I hope for my physio clinic to become very popular. This goal is hard but attainable if I go to school and know how my job works, as well as know how to run a business. I hope my business becomes successful at least 5 years before I retire, at the age of 50.
  • Keep my physio clinic running

    Keep my physio clinic running
    When I retire, I don't want my dream to die off. When I retire at 55 I want to pass my business on to one or both of my kids. This is achievable if my business is well known, successful, and at least one of my kids wants to take over. I wish to reach this goal when I retire at 55.
  • I want to retire

    I want to retire
    I hope to retire by the age of 55. With my full time job and real-estate on the side this is easily attainable. I hope I will be able to retire a little bit early and spend time with my wife.
  • Be the best of the best

    Be the best of the best
    Before I die I want my physio clinic to be known as one of the top 5 in the world. With skill, time, hard work, and dedication I know this will be achieved. I want this to happen before I'm 75 because I want to watch all my hard work be known and appreciated by others.